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1yr Old Whippet Due To Be Pts

Rae said:
PMSL- which other rescue would adorn a new foster dog with such a fancy collar immeadiately?  :D   ( I Presume he didnt come with such a nice collar?)
:D :b :p

That was (very briefly) Dylan's puppy collar (which he outgrew in about 2 weeks), then Holly's for her short time here :(

I saved it, knowing that another whippet would come along for it, and it just fits him. I think it suits him :wub:

Jake may (fingers crossed) be seeing someone very special at the weekend.... I'll keep you all posted :wub:
Hi folks, I've just managed to speak to Jake's former owner and have a much better picture now of what happened. She is very upset about what happened and that Jake has had to be rehomed, and she did receive a very nasty bite from him while trying to separate him and the other whippet who were having a fight.

The trip to the vets was not what she wanted to do and she was more than willing for Jake to be rehomed, as having him PTS was the last thing she wanted for him. her children are also devastated about having to let him go.

Thankfully, Jake may already have a home offer (depending on if he gets on with cats or not!) but even if that falls through he will be guaranteed a lovely home - if we didn't have as many dogs here I'd be very tempted to keep him myself :wub:

Jules (Phoenyx)
Well done Jules keep up the work, Jake looks a stunner :wub:

He is gorgeous! :wub: :wub:

I'm sure you'll have no problem rehoming that lovely lad. So perhaps the owner wasn't as bad as first thought, which is at least good for the rest of the dogs she owns :thumbsup:

Well done Jules :thumbsup:
I have only just come across this thread. How is the boy going? Was he OK with the cat?

I would not blame the dog if he bit during a fight. When dogs fight they are blindly biting anything they can reach, that is why it is very unwise to get near them. Best way is to pull them apart by their tails.

I did once get into a dogfight and it took the surgeon over an hour to put my leg back together. But we would not have dreamt to put the dog to sleep, it was totally my fault for not assessing the situation correctly. I actually thought they were just playing roughly and noisily, when they did not respond to being told to cool it, I just walked up to them stuck my knee between them and grabbed them by scruff of their necks. Next i was on the ground looking at the bone inside my leg and the two dogs standing over me with absolutely horrified faces saying; "OMG we did not know it was you


Yes, I'd love an update, did Jake get along with the Cat? Hope all went well, and he's now settled in with a new home and family. :luck: