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1 Bitch Bred To 2 Males ... At The Same Time ?

doris said:
seaspot_run said:
When you change the rulebook, you change the whole paradigm.
Karen, I'm not very bright, I don't know what that means! :b But I respect what you say, so I'll just agree with you :thumbsup: :lol:

You sound like my husband.

After all these years, we are still married! :cheers:

I think maybe you are smarter than you think! :- "
sdwhippets said:
I do want to thank everyone for their comments on Dido, Quincy & Brooks.  We knew when we did this that there would be people for and against it so it's no surprise to me what different kinds of posts we are getting here :)
Thank you to everyone that has been supportive and we will keep you updated on our girl - her temp seems to be going down little by little - maybe late tonight or tomorrow we'll have something to show from this breeding :)


How exciting :)

Cant wait, keep us informed & i wish the lovely Dido the very best of luck for an easy whelping & so look forward to seeing these very special babies. :huggles:
seaspot_run said:
You sound like my husband.
After all these years, we are still married! :cheers:

I think maybe you are smarter than you think! :- "

You flatter me :b

Seeing as you mentioned it, me and Wayne have just celebrated our 16th anniversary (w00t) as boyfriend and girlfriend though, I don't do weddings :- "
Finally, her temp has dropped down into the 98 degree range (98.9). I think with the way she's been acting and now the temp drop - she may go late tonight.

Will keep you updated!

sdwhippets said:
Finally, her temp has dropped down into the 98 degree range (98.9).  I think with the way she's been acting and now the temp drop - she may go late tonight.
Will keep you updated!


Please do, cant wait for these babies to arrive :huggles: :luck:
How exciting. I wonder if you will be able to tell which pup is by which daddy? :)

At what age do you do the test?
I am pretty sure she will go tonight by the signs she is giving.

I think we will be able to tell who is sired by who - I am sure Quincy will produce mostly solid colors with some white whereas Brooks will produce parti colors - but we will have to see what the DNA says to be sure.

As for testing - it's a saliva swab test - so we can test them anytime, but in order for the DNA to remain on file with AKC (instead of just temporarily) we have to wait until we can microchip or tattoo them (we will microchip). So it will probably be a few weeks until we do it.

sdwhippets said:
I think we will be able to tell who is sired by who - I am sure Quincy will produce mostly solid colors with some white whereas Brooks will produce parti colors - but we will have to see what the DNA says to be sure. 

Yes, but it is not impossible for Quincy to carry the particolour :) I cannot quite work out if he has a dorsal line sabling or if he has bit of brindle there?

I had more in the mind to see if it is possible to distinguish the two different sire types in the pups.

Anyway it will be fun guessing. :)
Oh yeah, I know it's possible for him to have parti colors - but I am guessing from his first (and only) litter out of a black/white parti. All his pups were mostly solid blacks or reds and there were 2 that were irish marked, with some white on their necks, faces, legs & chest. As for Quincy, no brindle there - it's the dorsal line sabling that you mentioned. Brooks, in his 3 littesr has produced parti colors with varying degrees of color except for his second litter that was out of a solid brindle bitch - most of them were solid brindles or fawns.

Oh, well it does not look like he is carrying parti. But the S alleles do overlap so much, I would not want to bet on labeling anything. :)

Anyway, looking forward any news :luck:
I won't be labeling any of the pups until DNA comes back but I will have fun guessing who belongs to who :)

Oh my lordy is she making us wait!!!!!! Nothing yet, but her temp is still down in the 98 degree range (98.5 this morning). She didn't even touch her breakfast and she only picked at her dinner last night. Maybe she will go this afternoon during the day so everyone can watch her on the web cam - LOL

It's a nice day for whelping - it's rainy out and the Whippies are all crashed out. It's funny, I don't know if all dogs do this or just ours - but when it's rainy out they just crash out on the couches and don't move all day. Everyone has found their spot on the couches and in mom's bedroom - Dido is currently laying with dad on the couch (he works nights and he fell asleep on the couch this morning when he got home)

Will keep everyone updated but it could be today, looks like we were right about the x-ray and her waiting a few days past her first due date (which was Sunday).

Please note that personal digs are NOT permitted on the boards. People are free to disagree as long as they are discussing the topic (or in this case they theory behind the topic) but not attacking anyone personally. Because someone disagrees does not mean they are attacking the original poster, but just that they don't agree with the idea.

People ARE allowed to have views on both sides of the issue (and anywhere in between) and ARE allowed to express those views without belittling other posters. Posts have been edited in accordance with this.

Okay - check out the web cam - - it's on now - Dido isn't spending much time in there - she is really antsy but we think her water will break soon and she will be in the box for a while then :)

sdwhippets said:
Okay - check out the web cam - - it's on now - Dido isn't spending much time in there - she is really antsy but we think her water will break soon and she will be in the box for a while then :)

Oh wow, go Dido, we are all rooting for you, cant wait to see those gorgeous pups!! :luck:
seeing the picture of Diddle (from yesterday)... puppies will be soon on their way :)) am watching "live" now

and must say , even when I have seen already so many puppies been born, it is a hole experience to watch the cam...

Secretly hope to see the puppies been born :thumbsup:

First beautiful baby has arrived, its a girl :wub: :wub: :wub:
Oh, NO! I have so much that I supposed to do today ! I can see i will spend the day glued to my computer, now :lol:

Dido :luck: :luck: :luck: :wub: