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  1. G

    Want to keep my dog but circumstances have changed

    Thank you I will keep trying I won't give up :)
  2. G

    Want to keep my dog but circumstances have changed

    Thanks alot I will look for this.
  3. G

    Want to keep my dog but circumstances have changed

    Hi thank you. I am from Birmingham UK. I still have a few months left to look so I hope I can find somewhere. Just needed some advice as the last thing I want to do is rehome her she is like my child I couldn't do it.
  4. G

    Want to keep my dog but circumstances have changed

    Thank you for the information I will look. And yes I will try stating the above and speak to landlords direct. Thanks
  5. G

    Want to keep my dog but circumstances have changed

    Hi. I have a beautiful almost 2 year old french bulldog. Me and my ex partner split 2 months ago, we had two of them they were sisters from the same litter. Unfortunately when we split he took one and I kept the other he moved back home and I am now in this rented house which i cannot afford and...