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  1. Marie1958

    Aggressive dog

    Thankyou JudyN for your reply, i get on very well with my neighbour which is good as we both want to find a solution to this problem, Charlie is also like this towards neighbours daughters dog so she told me today. But for Rosie,s well being i will keep them at a distance and tell my neighbour...
  2. Marie1958

    Aggressive dog

    My neighbours dog has just started to become very aggressive towards Rosie over the last couple of weeks, everytime they meet up which this last week has only been twice, the neighbours dog will just fly at Rosie snarling and trying to bite her, Rosie is a very placid friendly dog and doesnt...
  3. Marie1958

    Head collars

    Thankyou for all your replies, its really helped me decide into getting one the video is also good as taught me a few things. Small update. Rosie has been getting a bit of a runaround out in communal back garden off lead chasing ball she has started to come to me when i call (lots treats and...
  4. Marie1958

    Head collars

    Interested in what you guys think about "head collars" the type that goes across the nose to help with pulling on lead. Someone told me to get one as that may help Rosie to learn not to pull me when she sees another dog or just want to go different direction She has good days and bad with this...
  5. Marie1958

    Rosies well being

    Thank you for your replies it means a lot to me, i will look at brain games for her,
  6. Marie1958

    Rosies well being

    Sadly i suffered a stroke just over a week ago which has left me slight weakness left side, it could have been worse. I can manage to take Rosie for very short walks mainly for toiletting though, my grandaughter has been coming up in the evening to take her out for a walk and run around off...
  7. Marie1958

    On a mad one

    Thanks everyone, looks like baby gate
  8. Marie1958

    On a mad one

    I dont shut her in my bedroom but at times she just wanders in there,esp as its been nice i have left door open hence when she thinks its her playground lol I live in a flat so all on one level and its nice to have air flowing through. She sleeps on my bed at night This is the only room she...
  9. Marie1958

    On a mad one

    Everytime Rosie is left in my bedroom she runs all over the bed and round the room, when i tell her No she just carries on, i keep door shut while at work cos she scratched at mattress after pulling quilt etc off and put hole in it (its only 3mths old) How can i deter her from doing this Rosie...
  10. Marie1958

    Update on Rosie

    All going well with the food change so thats brill Were also booked in nxt week to get spayed dont know if this will calm her down a bit, shes fine when out on our own but as soon as she another dog or person she starts pulling and jumping up and being a nightmare. Is this cos she needs more...
  11. Marie1958


    Hi Kara1 not been neutered yet hopefully in the next couple wks as vets wont do op until 3 mths after her 1st season
  12. Marie1958


    As i say i work from 8am till 12.30 ish so its about 4hrs a day and have been doing these hrs since she was 5nths old. She never shown any signs of anxiety about this I moved in jan of this yr and she was brill in adapting to new surroundings etc. I think i will just keep bedroom door shut when...
  13. Marie1958


    Well last week Rosie not eating. Think sorted that one with better food. Now came home from work to discover largest hole in my mattress she has never done this before so why now. Rosie is a yr old Cavapoo. I always take her for walk in morning before work (i only away 4hrs every day ) she...
  14. Marie1958

    Not eating

    Thanks everyone the Naturo food went down a treat. Fingers crossed ot was just boredom of food i had been giving her. Will update in few days time. Once again Thanks to all the advice have taking it all aboard.
  15. Marie1958

    Not eating thought about raw but havent really got a clue on this i normally cook chicken and veg then have fed her
  16. Marie1958

    Not eating

    Thanks for replies. Rosie is a Cavapoo. She has always been a slow eater and picky pup so i have tried allsorts of wet and dried food as she seems to get fed up with same brand. She will eat kibble from a kong or hand but turns her nose up when in dish lol but this last wk she has got worse.she...
  17. Marie1958

    Not eating

    Rosie is 13mths old and dont know whether its normal but wont eat her food justs snifs and walks away. I have tried just kibble.and various wet food.even cooked rice with veg mixed in with meat which she did eat after a while. Shes not in season had her 1st one feb.she will eat cut...
  18. Marie1958


    Rosie 6mths old now has her moments with fireworks but i just play firework sounds from utube every now and again. Worked last night for her no barking just raised her head from sleeping now and again.
  19. Marie1958

    Pup barking

    Rosie is 5.mths old now all going good at moment except she barks at slightest noise. Is this just her getting used to different noises ie neighboors coming and going.people just walking by and other dogs barking. I try not to tell her off and just ignore.give her treats when shes quiet. Shes...
  20. Marie1958

    Sleeping with new puppy

    Rosie (5mths old) sleeps with me.she hated the crate. We both get good night sleep and has just started to sleep on blanket at bottom of bed.unless shes cold then comes up closer. Yes i do like the closeness as does Rosie.