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  1. Bowie2016

    Poor hay fever sufferer

    For humans i know that a little vaseline around the under eye and nostrils really does help as it helps to stop pollen going up the nose. Wonder if you can put this on dogs? My dog suffers terrible with allergies, we have to wash him frequently
  2. Bowie2016


    No they didnt advise of that Terry, the only other thing other than the ones we have done that they advised was a very pricey referral for an injection to be made for him that may not have worked anyway so we decided against it. The place we have gone to for the raw diet come highly recommended...
  3. Bowie2016


    Thanks Terry. The only place carpeted in the house are the stairs, the rest is wooden floor or tiles. I have leather couches and i hoover everyday plus bedding is changed daily and i always use the dryer, i dont have a washing line. Ill have a look out for the dust mite matress cover, all i...
  4. Bowie2016


    Aww yes he does and i dont think he would sleep anywhere else, he doesnt even really sit by himself. hes such a loving dog he likes to lie on us and be by us all the time for cuddles. I do change the bedding daily so i would think akin particles would be a minimum do you think? We do bathe him...
  5. Bowie2016


    Thats really good to know about the fish oils because we are currently on the raw food course where they add different raw ingredients each week and see if there are any reactions so they know and we can tailor his food specific for him. I know they add fish in week 7 of this so he gets the...
  6. Bowie2016


    Thanks so much for this info! Weve recently changed to raw diet which is also meant to help and fingers crossed he already doesnt seem as itchy but i may be counting chickens before they hatch. I was going to try cod liver oil but ill get oil of evening primrose instead. Thanks very much. Sounds...
  7. Bowie2016


    We dont know Violet. We have changed his food 4 times, binned a duck feather quilt and got a hypoallergenic one because he sleeps on the bed with us, he gets bathed alot as advised by vets. We juat dont know, everytime we think weve worked out what it is, it turns out not to be
  8. Bowie2016


    Hi everyone, so we are still no better off with the allergy situation and we feel we have thought of everything it could be so i just want to treat it now to keep bowie as comfy as possible. It must be horrible feeling itchy all the time!! We are going back to the vets again tomorrow, hes there...
  9. Bowie2016

    Bowie in my bed or is it me that gets in Bowies bed?

    we are very skilled people to learn to actually sleep like that or is it through eventual exhaustion haha. He would not sleep anywhere without us. He even tries to get in the bath when either 1 of us is in there!
  10. Bowie2016

    Bowie loves a lie in

    I definitely agree. He is like a cuddly hot water bottle!
  11. Bowie2016

    Bowie in my bed or is it me that gets in Bowies bed?

    My partner then comes to bed later on. There were 10 in the bed and the little one said... I change the bedding everyday because my pets love sleeping in our bed but they even jump on the bed as soon as its been changed, i know they do it on purpose haha
  12. Bowie2016

    Bowie in my bed or is it me that gets in Bowies bed?

    Only normal people sleep horizontal, everyone knows that!
  13. Bowie2016

    Bowie in my bed or is it me that gets in Bowies bed?

    I am human origami. I sleep inbetween Lola and Bowie (im the line that cant be crossed by bowie or lola gives him a swift paw to the face) I spend the night trying to not knock lola off the side of the bed and weaving the rest of me around wherever Bowie has decided to lie on his 3/4 side of the...
  14. Bowie2016

    Dog with allergies

    H Josie, our vet said they need to refer to the university for the blood test as they dont do it at the vets (im not sure if this is the same for all vets, we are in whitecross vets). She said the referal costs approx £300 then the actual test will cost approx £300. The vet was hapoy with the...
  15. Bowie2016

    Bowie loves a lie in

    I hate having to wake him up when i go to work. Look at his little face
  16. Bowie2016

    Dog with allergies

    Hi everyone, just thought i would update you. So the vet thinks he has a little infection (yeast/bacterial) as a result from his allergies. Hes now got medicated wipes, medicated shampoo and apoquel tablets and we are going back next saturday so they can see how hes getting on. They think he may...
  17. Bowie2016

    Dog with allergies

    Thanks for replying Joanne. I know, i feel sorry for him, he really is a trooper and just gets on with it aswell, still loving and playful and im sure it must be irritating him. the vet has seen it worse than this and said if it doesnt get better he may need antibiotics so i dont think she...
  18. Bowie2016

    Dog with allergies

    This is his paw and his poor little chin. :( His chin isnt as angry looking as it has been previously.
  19. Bowie2016

    Dog with allergies

    Thank you everyone for your replies. Sorry if i came across like im not confident in bowies vet, she really is lovely and also trying her best to advise us, i was just trying to give the whole picture of what we have done so far trying to sort this out and the information and advice we have had...
  20. Bowie2016

    Just a quick Hi

    Hi everyone, just joined the forum. My dog Bowie is a staffie cross american bulldog. He is just over a year old. He has a fabulous loving temperament but is one mischievious chewing machine and also had no spacial awareness or any consideration for personal space which usually results in him...