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  1. L

    Walking a 5 month old puppy?

    Vets recommend 5 minutes per month of age, twice a day (so 25mins twice a day for your pup). However, my vet advised me last week that the odd longer walk with a variety of terrain (grass, mud, water) is ok too. Pavement pounding is seen as damaging for young pups as it puts too much stress on...
  2. L

    Over exercising puppy

    I had the same issue with our new pup, but we're all sorted now thankfully. We had our lurcher pup at 4mths old and started off just walking him around the block for half hour or so every day to get him used to the lead. A few weeks later, I took him out with our other dog who is a 3yr old...
  3. L

    Introducing pup to older dog

    Unfortunately, I have no experience with deaf dogs but am wondering if this will help: when your older dog growls at your puppy, maybe poke the pup - softly - to startle him and he should stop. Your older dog should be giving out other 'back-off' signs to the pup so hopefully he will learn to...
  4. L

    Walkies For Puppies

    I was wondering the same thing about our new puppy! I took our lurcher pup to the vet today to get him weighed (he's already 9.8kg at 4 months old!) and I asked advice when we were there. The vet said he should be having a 20 minute walk on the lead every day, but the odd longer walk with time...
  5. L

    What Exercise

    I posted a very similar question myself earlier! My puppy is about 4 months old and charges around the garden for most of the day with our other dog. He's had an hour walk at least three times this week, with some time off-lead and I think that's plenty for him. He enjoys our walks and will...
  6. L

    Lurcher puppy exercise

    Hi guys, I'm looking for some advice on exercising our new puppy; he is a lurcher about 4 months old and growing very quickly. I've had lots of conflicting advice regarding how often I need to walk him and for how long, so I was hoping somebody on here could help me out. We've had Charlie for...