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  1. C

    Dog refuses to walk, puts on the brakes

    Have sent you a pm :)
  2. C

    Dog refuses to walk, puts on the brakes

    Oh yes :( I have a collie that does just this because of noise sensitivity. My advice is to see a suitable behaviourist, one that only uses positive reinforcement. My boy's fears are particularly severe - we didn't seek help initially, having never dealt with anything like this with any of...
  3. C

    Our best trick / training result and how I taught it

    My boy shakes on cue too. I've just taught him to "look guilty" - he lowers his head and puts his paw over his nose. He can take my socks off and put them in the washing machine :- )
  4. C

    What kind of breed is this ?

    Reminds me of a staffie x boxer that I know. If you really want to know you could have a DNA test done. Both of ours have been done - was about £50 each.
  5. C

    Views on vaccinations?

    My two have had their puppy vacs and their first annual booster, nothing else. They're 5yrs and 6yrs. They've been titre tested and they are still protected. Our vet said the lepto vacc only lasts for 6mths and only covers about half a dozen of the 20+ strains there are in UK. Its also the one...
  6. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    Hi CollieMad :) You say in your original post that your boy cannot cope with being outside and is getting worse, reacting to everything and everyone. If he is afraid (and a lot of aggression is fear based) then continuing to take him for walks and pushing him over the threshold of what he can...
  7. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    I too have a Border collie boy that has come from a bad breeding background (tho not a puppy farm) and he has severe issues. He is incredibly noise sensitive and fearful, reacts badly to some people. He too lives life on constant alert for scary things. My boy is seeing a psychologist at the...