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  1. S

    Sardines for my dogs

    My g/f who is a qualified animal guru makes me give my lurcher sardines in most things other brine, apparently it really good especially for the skin and fur . Ned(dog) has them about once a week usually on a Friday with some plain rice when me and the g/f have a Chinese the rest of the week...
  2. S

    My springer is being nasty

    I second the trip to the vet, not wanting scare you but, it can be a sign or some quite serious Heath issues. I also second that I might be a change in the dogs routine, they thrive on routine and you being predictable.
  3. S

    Black lurcher steals food and won't stay off the bed

    My lurcher jumps up on the bed so we're getting him a crate. I made a tent during some storms for him to sleep in and he stayed their all night. so he has somewhere to feel save as he does it because he's worried. Mine still steals stuff now and then, but I've found being stern but positive...
  4. S

    Caeser milan - love or hate what do you think?

    I'm dead against his methods! I used to think that giving a dog a quick smack nothing to hard, more as a shock was ok, because I agree with smacking children, I was smacked as a child about twice and that was more than enough. So I figured it would work the same for dog's. When I was about...