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  1. roxy-1

    Green mucous from one nostril

    I was using one of those for my baby last night and thought the same thing at the time! We call that sucking thing 'The Snotinator'!! I'm going to try it on Roxy tomorrow morning if I have time before work (I'd imagine it's not going to be easy!) Fingers crossed.
  2. roxy-1

    Green mucous from one nostril

    Thank you for both replies. It helps to know that we've not missed anything obvious. We're not going to put her through any more investigations. When she had antibiotics the last three times, it cleared it up for a bit so I think we'll do the same again as she's having a bad spell of it at the...
  3. roxy-1

    Hello from roxy & owner!

    Hi everyone! This is the first forum I have ever posted to, so thank you in advance for any answers. My main reason for joining was to get some advice on a nose problem my dog has, which I have posted in the health section. My dog, Roxy, is a 5 year old female standard wire-haired dachshund who...
  4. roxy-1

    Green mucous from one nostril

    Hi, I'm new to this forum so firstly wanted to say hello! My dog is a female standard wire-haired dachshund, 5 years old, called Roxy. Since March this year she has had green thick mucous coming from her left nostril which she sneezes out throughout the day. Three different types of antibiotics...