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  1. S


    We'd only had ours about three weeks [he was about a year and a half old at the time though] around fireworks time last year and I was determined we weren't going to have a situation like my mum endures with her little dog, who goes bollistic with fear when the fireworks go off - and this...
  2. S

    Pet Insurance

    I'm about to switch mine to Marks and Spencer insurance. I didn't even know about them providing insurance until a related thread came up recently. My dog's been insured with Petplan for the past year because they insure for life if your animal develops a chronic problem [make sure you get one...
  3. S

    New Orleans Animals

    For those of you who were discussing the terrible plight of the New Orleans survivers and the pet owners who were made to leave their pets behind [and the poor little'uns who were left behind to fend for themselves :( ], I thought you may be interested [if you haven't already seen it] in the...
  4. S

    Sore Neck

    I got this soft protection collar for my Simba quite a few months ago and it's been really good. Fings crossed this link will take you to it: [if not, copy and paste should work! 8) ] The blue one they show in the picture looks...
  5. S


    Mine's had similar with his back leg. Freaked me out the first time it happened as he was playing and then suddenly cried and held his back leg up :( I rushed over but couldn't find anything obviously wrong and picked him up to carry him home and rush him to the vets! However, he kept...
  6. S

    Poorly Sid

    PS: Hope Sid gets better soon :huggles:
  7. S

    Poorly Sid

    My Simba's similiar; always thinking other dogs want to play. I don't want to keep him on the lead all the time but do put him on it if I see another dog coming who in on lead and he's close enough to get hold of. Sometimes though, he's trotting along through the woods and they come out of...
  8. S

    Rufus At The Beach

    I've read this about this unique feature of the Pharoahs....mmmm, we're not sure; we'd like to think he does - there are times when he certainly has very pink ears and nose, but it may be more to do with his blood pressure going up when he's excited rather than blushing! :p Oh, and he is...
  9. S

    Rufus At The Beach

    Last one!
  10. S

    Rufus At The Beach

    And one more...
  11. S

    Rufus At The Beach

    Hi Dave, Not to take over your thread :- " but, as requested, here are some piccies of Simba enjoying a bbq with a new friend that he went rocketing about the place with most of the afternoon! :D Jennie
  12. S

    Rufus At The Beach

    We've had the same, even though our Pharoah Hound is a cross with bull terrier [so we've been told, but he looks mainly Pharoah - just a bit chunkier and muscular! (w00t) ], but people seem fascinated with him. We either get people coming straight up stating 'Pharoah Hound!?' and then being...
  13. S

    Pulling On The Lead

    Thanks everyone for your ideas - we're going to put some to the test and we'll let you know which one worked for Simba! :thumbsup: Will definitely go out and get a copy of this as it sounds fab :) Simba is our first dog and when we first got him I had my nose stuck in one dog book or...
  14. S

    Pulling On The Lead

    We'll give it ago, thankyou :D Just talking to someone else about a halti - tried this too but, like with your experience, it had no effect; he just hated having it put on, but having a strong head still pulled on it! :blink:
  15. S

    Pulling On The Lead

    Just wondered if anyone out there has any positve training tips to stop a dog pulling on the lead. Simba's been great at picking up all his other training - he sits and waits at curbs, good at recall, goes to his bed when we're eating, etc - but we can't get him out of the habit of dragging us...
  16. S

    The Art Of Stealth!

    Rufus is scrummy! :wub: Love the cute close up shot :wub: and the mid-air one is great! Looks like he's got a fab personality :) As soon as we move to a bigger place, I'll be asking where you got him from because he's absolutely what we'd be looking for as a playmate for Simba :D
  17. S


    What a friendly site! :) Yes - I'm located in sunny Worcestershire, so quite nice as close to parks and stuff and we have woods right by our doorstep to take Simba frolicking in [he likes bouncing through the bluebells in the spring, reminding me of Tigger!] :D Thank you for all your...
  18. S


    Thankyou! :D I'm taking him to the EGLR day [where we got him from] in Worcester on Sunday and hope to enter him into some of the fun competitions - would so love him to win his first little rosette or something :))
  19. S


    Haven't got a digital camera of my own, so only have a couple at the mo. Currently getting my manual photos put onto disk, so should have some more soon! This is the best one I have + may add one of both of us on the 'be brave' thread :)
  20. S


    Yes - spotted the gorgeous little chap! :D We got our own boy at 15 months old, so missed out on that v.cute puppy stage; they're just adorable!