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  1. F

    Cracker Attacked By A Mastiff

    So sorry to hear about Cracker, I hope he's fully recovered very soon :( I had similar recently, my gentle elderly Jess was onlead and attacked by a collie that came out of nowhere, she had puncture wounds, a gash on her hip and was black and blue with bruising. Owner said her dog "could be...
  2. F

    Two Greyhounds Lost Between Kettlewell And Northampton

    The information is all a bit confusing, but it seems that these dogs were taken as a result of an argument between travellers and dumped, but the original owner now has them back. Doesn't sound as though they are in a very good situation, poor dogs :(
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    Greyhound Blog - Hilarious

    Someone sent me a link to this blog, and I can't stop giggling, I had to share. Love this entry in particular:
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    Sophie - Sad News

    I couldn't get onto K9 for ages to thanks people for their kind comments, but it's very much appreciated. Only 'dog people' really understand! I miss Sophie terribly, but am going to start fostering again soon which won't replace her but having another little dog to care for will cheer up a...
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    Used Stamps...can Anyone Help?

    Oooh - thank you. They go directly to our 'stamp man' so I don't see when packages come in but it's very much appreciated.
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    Hair Loss Around Eye

    Mange or ringworm can cause hair loss around the eye.
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    Problems On Walks

    Racing greyhounds have often never seen other breeds of dogs until they are rehomed, so it's not an uncommon problem in the early days. It's usually fear based, they have no idea what to make of other dogs and see them as a threat so do a lot of vocal 'go away' stuff. Really the answer is to...
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    Used Stamps...can Anyone Help?

    Thank you :thumbsup:
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    Intermittent Limping

    Your vet doesn't sound very helpful. It does sound as though it could be an arthritic thing, but he's quite young for that. I'm surprised they don't want to x-ray to see what's going on. At any rate I'd have thought it was worth trying him on some sort of pain relief/anti-inflammatory like...
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    Used Stamps...can Anyone Help?

    Thanks for bumping this. Oldies Club are still collecting stamps and ink cartridges and are very grateful for any donations: Sadly we have had to suspend our collection of used mobile phones as the company who used to take them for us are no longer operating.
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    Dog Handlers For Crisis At Christmas

    What a fantastic and worthwhile thing to do. I have shared via Facebook :thumbsup:
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    Companion Dog Wanted For A Friend

    If he'd consider a dog of 7yrs + please have a look at the Oldies Club website, we have quite a few collies and sighthounds of various kinds on the site, and new dogs listed every day.
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    Sophie - Sad News

    We are absolutely devastated to have lost Sophie, our beautiful little whippet/collie girl, very suddenly at only 12 years old. She had two massive seizures out of the blue last week, then at the weekend wasn't 'right', she seemed to be in pain and wasn't walking properly. Our vet acted very...
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    Abandoned Starved Lurcher Reunited With Owner

    A happy ending, but what that poor dog must have been through :(
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    Scared Lurcher

    Good advice above. Try to walk her where there are other dogs around but at a distance (not always easy, I know). Take it slowly and don't push her beyond her comfort zone, watch her body language and if she's telling you she's getting stressed just quietly move a bit further away. I'd also...
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    The Importance Of Id Tags

    The law about dog tags is quite clear, and as Esty says the only legal requirement is for the owner's name and address to be on the tag - though whether anyone ever checks or enforces it is another matter. I don't have my dogs' names on their tags - not because of security (they would go to...
  17. F

    Can Greyhounds Do Agility / Flyball

    I tried my greyhound girl with agility, she had a whale of a time but was a complete disaster as an agility dog, she wouldn't jump anything, ever, no matter what we tried, she just didn't see the point of going over something you could go round :lol: She could clear a 3ft fence if there was a...
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    Advice Please, Barking At People

    Is he barking from inside the house, or is this when he's out in the garden (or both)? It's very natural for a dog to bark as a warning that there are people approaching the property so it's a hard one to tackle. Rather than trying to stop him completely I'd be inclined to try to train a...
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    Please Click

    I've given the very gorgeous Ripley several walks :thumbsup:
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    13 Weeks To Young To Start Obedience

    By 'obedience' training do you mean training for competitive obedience or just basic training? Competitive obedience doesn't usually start until a dog is older. For general training it depends very much how the classes are organised and how well they are geared to pups. Usually it's best for...