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  1. S

    Whippets - Breathing Problems

    Thanks for the replys, thats half put my mind at rest. Cheers
  2. S

    Whippets - Breathing Problems

    Hi Our whippet is about 15months old and generally seems in fine fettle, eats well, in good condition and flys around the field. The problem we have is on very rare occasions (maybe 10-15 times in 15months) he seems to develop a "breathing fit", I can only describe it as a asthma attack but in...
  3. S

    Advice - My Injured Whippet

    Thanks, great reply. Going to leave the bandage on till friday, when we went monday the cut was still bleeding when nipped by the vet. I think she gave us A-bios to prevent infection more than to stop an already infected foot. McCoy ...... named after the Champion Jump Jockey Tony McCoy (not...
  4. S

    Advice - My Injured Whippet

    Thanks but cant get the link to work any ideas ???? Taran looks very much like McCoy did as a pup ..... a lovely Black coat and bright alert eyes !!!
  5. S

    Advice - My Injured Whippet

    Thanks for the replys, very helpful. McCoy did some business last night when we went for a short walk which, makes us feel a bit better. He seems a lot like his normal self now. Playing around and up to tricks that only whippets can do. Back to the vets on Friday now, hopefully the cut will...
  6. S

    Advice - My Injured Whippet

    Last Friday our 10month old pup (McCoy), stood on a peice of glass whilst out running. It resulted in a 1 1/2cm cut on his front foot just behind the pad of the paw. There was quite a lot of blood, I instantly took him to the vets were they cleaned it up and just bandaged him and gave me a...
  7. S

    Mccoy At 12weeks Advice...........the Problems Start.

    Been taking him out for walks over the last week and hes good on and off the lead although seems a bit fearless at times. Just tried over the last hour standing up off the sofa every time he nips and turning our backs to him, at the minute he thinks its a bit of a game jumping from one sofa to...
  8. S

    Mccoy At 12weeks Advice...........the Problems Start.

    Hi Ive posted pics of McCoy when we got him lower down the thread (will put updated ones on here soon) Just need a bit of general advice, he gets plenty of playtime and has lots of toys, and someone is always around. The main problem is he seems to have a very aggressive streak, if he nips we...
  9. S

    Advice Please! - Our Pup

    At the vets on thursday, hes been out in the car several times already with no problems, the vets my be another matter :)) He is BLACK, with two small socks of white on his back paws, a white chin and small white 'V' on his chest, and we have named him McCOY.................... Hes just...
  10. S

    Advice Please! - Our Pup

    Heres a few pics of him, all innocent when hes asleep............... :D
  11. S

    Advice Please! - Our Pup

    Thanks for the quick replys What about eating grass/weeds can they harm him ??? Got conifers round the garden ? Will try and upload some pics later but says file is larger than space available, will definately try the yelping when he nips :)
  12. S

    Our Whippet Pup - Advice Please !

    We recently got our lovely 8 week old Whippet Dog, having not had a pup in our family before we didnt really know what to expect. On the whole he is pretty well behaved (goes out to do his business, eating up, doest cry to much, travels well in the car etc.) BUT there are 2 problems and we...
  13. S

    Advice Please! - Our Pup

    We recently got our lovely 8 week old Whippet Dog, having not had a pup in our family before we didnt really know what to expect. On the whole he is pretty well behaved (goes out to do his business, eating up, doest cry to much etc.) but there are 2 problems and we dont want him to get into bad...