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  1. M

    Derbyshire racing

    Ok thanks. How can I find out the next AGM date then as we've been the last couple of years and were told it was always early October.
  2. M

    Derbyshire racing

    Is the annual poolsbrook whippet racing get together still the first Sunday in October for this year?
  3. M

    Coming to england - petfriendly flats?

    I'd suggest looking on the Internet at letting agents in the area you are moving too and then contacting them to find out if they have any that allow pets. I actually rent my house out (different area to where you are looking) and my tenant has a large dog. I allow pets but the website of the...
  4. M

    Puppy Championships Poolsbrook?

    Thank you
  5. M

    Mel And Kim

    I've just read through the whole thread Lovely dogs indeed :)
  6. M

    Puppy Championships Poolsbrook?

    Hi Is this happening this year ? assume Sunday 6 October?
  7. M

    How large a garden for whippets?

    Thank you She would like to rescue ideally and was concerned if a dog may have been previously used to a lot of space to run that it would struggle to adapt. I said a 70ft secure garden was ideal for a couple of whippets to play ball etc along with daily walks. Yes they'll have the crazy...
  8. M

    How large a garden for whippets?

    Cheers. That's what I was thinking too.
  9. M

    How large a garden for whippets?

    Hi Pls help me settle a difference of opinion with my OH My dogs have access to fields for their exercise but surely not all whippet owners have fields near them. What size garden would you say is required? (Thinking week day walks and garden play time and weekend field running) We've a...
  10. M

    Kong obstacle in (elevated) dish to stop a food gulper

    Thanks for your replies Yes I have considered getting him to work for his food - and yes he enjoys food in his kong - but there are also the other 2 dogs to consider. If they think he's getting something special they will rush their food to get to him!! With regard to the elevated dishes, I...
  11. M

    R I p jasper

    I'm sorry for your loss x
  12. M

    Kong obstacle in (elevated) dish to stop a food gulper

    Thanks Yes I've seen the bowls. The kong worked until today then he took it out of his dish!! It's washed and back in so we will see how it goes tomorrow
  13. M

    Kong obstacle in (elevated) dish to stop a food gulper

    My youngest whippet still gulps food like there's no tomorrow. He's fed 3 times a day still as too much food causes him an upset stomach. (Linked to previous old threads on campylobacter / coccidiosis) The whippets all have elevated food and water dishes. I was searching the web for ideas to...
  14. M

    Hungry pup and diarrhea with coccidiosis and campylobacter

    Campylobacter and salmonella results came back negative. Just need to re test to check the giardia has gone ( in a couple of weeks) Re the campylobacter - as you know he wasnt treated - vet says age and size issues. Was told it could be latent and to be mindful of any future diarrhea / mucus...
  15. M

    Hungry pup and diarrhea with coccidiosis and campylobacter

    Thanks I'm hoping the results will come back clear because if it is the campylobacter - again - we will need to look at treatment when the vets already said he still too small in weight to treat plus it's a drug to use with caution and has made some adult dogs quite poorly.
  16. M

    Hungry pup and diarrhea with coccidiosis and campylobacter

    Well initial results back and no coccidiosis this time - still waiting on campylobacter but he now has giardia. Vet says she could write a paper on him as she's never known a dog get all these. She was a bit flabbergasted. Treating him for it whilst we wait for other results which I hope will...
  17. M

    7 o'clock maddness

    Hi there. My boys are 6 months, 6 years and 6.5 years. This in our house is known as the crazies and happens every day at key times. You get used to it :)
  18. M

    Hungry pup and diarrhea with coccidiosis and campylobacter

    Reminded the vet of the history eg had it diagnosed but too small to treat etc so managed it with a bland diet. He did at least look up the AB info again and said he's still too small for the meds and that he's treated dogs with that particular med who have had a bad reaction to it and taking...
  19. M

    Hungry pup and diarrhea with coccidiosis and campylobacter

    Agreed. I'll phone the vets tomorrow and ask for ABs on appointment. I've a feeling though that they'll want to test first and wait up to 2 weeks for the results which I'm not willing to do. We were fobbed off last time with the age thing and the bland diet thing. We've had all the tests. I'm...
  20. M

    Hungry pup and diarrhea with coccidiosis and campylobacter

    At 10 weeks old the coccidiosis was treated with ABs. Then further results came back with the campylobacter. He was young and small and the vet contacted the pharmacy for meds. The pharmacy said due to his age and size to try a bland diet for a while as they didn't want to overload ABs into a...