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  1. B

    Some Cruel And Unnecessary Zoomie Torture....

    Your story telling is a great gift. Ever think of publishing? Kids would love a book with photos like that!
  2. B

    Great Website

    You also might want to check out this Canadian site: Some great stuff there, too!
  3. B

    Giss A Kissssss......go On..

    I just got home from a long day and am exhausted and you have put a big smile on my face. Thank you!! Love and hugs for the boys! :thumbsup:
  4. B

    Who's A Lucky Boy Then???

    Usually you just need to click the button underneath the posting you want to quote that has "reply written on it - but as you'll see from my last post, it didn't really work that time - I must have pressed a wrong button! :oops: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks, we'll see if this works! The...
  5. B

    Who's A Lucky Boy Then???

    Following up on my last note, sorry, I don't know how to put in a quote yet. Can someone explain it to me? Barb :b
  6. B

    Who's A Lucky Boy Then???

  7. B

    Who's A Lucky Boy Then???

    What a wonderful coat for a lovely boy! Here in Canada I make the coats with roll up collars to protect from our snow and wind. The dogs look so warm and cozy with the collar up and only their noses showing. Who made yours? It is beautiful work and a great fabric - very southwest American Native...
  8. B

    A Picture For Dawn (daledogs)

    What a wonderful coat for a lovely boy! Here in Canada I make the coats with roll up collars to protect from our snow and wind. The dogs look so warm and cozy with the collar up and only their noses showing. Who make yours? It is beautiful work and a great fabric - very southwest American Native...
  9. B

    Mr Benjamin Fairweather

    Well, I love the name, it is so Beatrix Potter. I used to have an English Bulldog called Lady Blossom because she was so stinky! And her daughter was Miss Magnolia. Now I have two shi tzus, Fluffy and Taffy, and a parrot, Buddy. My first parrot was Bertie Wooster, because he had those "what just...
  10. B

    Sad Story About A Ginger Cat

    It's strange to see this thread just now, because a couple of weeks ago I saw a dead cat in the middle of the road. I was in a hurry and only thought "Oh the poor thing. Someone will miss him." On my way back, the body was still there and I couldn't stand to see it ignored. Seeing squirrels...
  11. B

    Just A Few Pics From Today

    weve had rain in spades this year!youre welcome to it! :D welcome to the site by the way. :thumbsup: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks for the welcome, Kris. I hope my son will show me how to put photos on the computer. If you want to see our dogs, you can go to my web site
  12. B

    Just A Few Pics From Today

    Hello Gilliwigs, I'm new at this but thought your photos were great. I'm in Toronto, Canada, and didn't realize you are still having so much rain. We've had so little rain that the farmers have lost their crops. Your dogs (and cat) are adorable. My husband has 3 greyhounds and I have two shih...