You can Google "nasal mite dog" and come up with lot's of info.
Here is but one link of many
This one shows what it looks like
Nasal mites isn't that easy to detect. Very often they simply choose to treat for them, and if they get better then that is what is was ;)
It is easily treated with Interceptor, one pill a week for 3 weeks. 3 pills!
Don't let them talk you into using Ivomec, that is overkill...
Nasal mites...
Silken Windhounds in USA do
Lure Coursing in ASFA
Straight Racing
Oval Racing
In Europe the organized possibilites are limited when it comes to performance sports for Silken Windhounds.
You have Silken Windhounds at kennel Endevor and at kennel Starborough, both in UK.
My black puppy actually gas Corbin has her great grandfather, on the paternal side.
See Sirelines of the sire of my puppy, his name is Windspirit Chatima
The black puppy on your photos looks very much like a 6 month old black puppy I have here. Head is different, mine has a much flatter nose, and for the moment she is awfully high in the rear throwing all her angulation off, making her looking a bit silly :- )
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