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  1. H

    Wanted Bitch Puppy

    A friend of ours called around today and asked if we knew of anywhere he could buy a bitch puppy for his disabled daughter. Their other one died last Saturday from a heart attack. Apparently his daughter is extremely upset and therefore wants another whippet puppy. Age preferably 8-12 weeks...
  2. H

    N.w.r.f. Asfordby The True Facts

    Why can't you just race the dogs and forget about the bar being open. Afterall, what is more important racing or the pub. :oops:
  3. H

    Bwra Racing

    I totally agree with everything Sheila and John Gill have said, especially the bad language. If I thought either of our children (now grown up of course) used the language we hear I wouldn't hesitate but to tell them off, as old as they are. People have no respect when they turn out bad...
  4. H

    Bwra Racing

    Yes, Steve and family, we have many a happy memory of racing. We were in the whippet racing for 21 years before we had a Champion and since then we have had R.Ch. Saxon Honey/Honeybee/Tiger and Gem. When I look back and see the "Measham" days where two tracks were running side by side and us...
  5. H

    Bwra Racing

    Karen and for anyone else that is wondering why you haven't seen us with our dogs. Yes, we have finished racing after 35 years in the sport. I'm afraid we just didn't like the way the sport was progressing with all the agro etc. so we have called "it a day"
  6. H

    Bwra Racing

    Gary, you are obviously referring to myself, as I referred to people as "thugs". To me, people who leave their rubbish laying about, do not clean up and generally cause problems IMO are thugs. You may call "thugs" the litter louts of the streets of today, but I use the word generally to...
  7. H

    Bwra Racing

    Well said Vicky it is about time these "thugs" were banned as it is them that has lost the Members the venue :oops:
  8. H

    Bwra Racing

    Doreen Hopkins is doing her very best to keep all the Members informed of the loss of Asfordby Venue. The Regional Secretaries, I understand, were advised of the position. Linda, why is it you are constantly trying to undermine EVERYTHING the BWRA Secretary does. Your are ONLY an Area...
  9. H

    To Ignore Users

    Well said Unwanted - you've hit the nail right on the head with your comment. :- "
  10. H

    Holidays With Dogs

    We have 7 whippets and take them on holiday with us several times during the summer months. We own a Touring Caravan and joined the Caravan Club, their sites accept dogs - no problems. We put up an awning and the collapsible cages and the dogs are very happy. So far this year we have been...
  11. H

    Meg Is Very Ill

    Sorry to hear about Meg and hope she makes a speedy recovery. To put your mind at rest - a few years ago our kennels were struck down with a very severe dose of enteritis. We have a bitch that weighed 35lbs. She was vomiting and passing blood and lost 5 lbs in weight in less than 24 hrs. We...
  12. H

    For Sale-1940's Delivery Bicycle

    Well kill "two birds with one stone" - that basket is big enough to take the dog for a ride too. I bet the dog would enjoy that!!!!! :D : :thumbsup:
  13. H

    How Do You

  14. H

    Windows Xp Internet Problem

    Hope this information helps you. I have windows XP. Recently my computer crashed even though I had Norton anti virus installed and updated. My computer went in and was "wiped clean" from trojans etc. and then P.C. World installed McAfee Internet Security for me. After reading the...
  15. H


    Ray, as a Mod. in W.D. apologies for any misunderstanding BUT The hacker RAY it would appear can hack into P.C's delete and amend/add to postings and copy them. So the postings that have gone out in this so called package could have been amended to look as if the Admin/Mods have been talking...
  16. H


    Well Gary I happen to be one "of the mods" and I wouldn't stoop so low" as to do what he/she has done. The way I look at this - this person has intentionally gone out of her/his way to copy posts (illegally) through hacking. How low is that. To me he/she ARE SCUM. It is illegal to "hack"...
  17. H


    Why - because I think the whippet members should be aware of the low life people that we are mixing with. If I repeated everything that people told me hell I could start World War 3. So why has this person gone to such lengths to pass the info. on if it is not to cause trouble. :rant: :rant...
  18. H


    The Whippet Domain has just discovered a "Hacker" in the system. This scum bag, whoever it is, has downloaded postings from the Admin/Mod. section which is only for the use of the moderators and admin staff. It would appear this HACKER has sent copies of these posting through the post to...
  19. H

    Transfer Of Dogs

    Karen, I agree - it is a "loop hole" in the Rules. Only way to stop this is for a proposal to be put in to the Committee in future and let the members vote on it. Unfortunately that is too late for this year now. Be interesting to see if the dogs are transferred back again this year!!!!! If...
  20. H

    Transfer Of Dogs

    Well from what I have read there are certain people out there that are trying to blame the "New" BWRA Committee. This "disruption" started long before Doreen Hopkins took over as the new Secretary. From what I have seen/heard no matter what Doreen tries to do in the interests of our ailing...