After alot of waiting, we finally adopted our lurcher. MOLLY was her name, but she didn't answer to it, so we changed it to GYPSY. We have playing and walking our hearts out for a week or two and just wanted to say hi and its really great there is a forum for these dog types. I think were one of...
I work as a damage prevention and damage investigator for communication firms dealing with fiber optic systems in our area. Its fun, I work by myself and I make my own hours so I can see my dogs whenever I want. The one drawback---I'm "on call" 24 hours a day. Kind of a pisser.
For the wee smell, we have dog wipes (kind of like a baby wipe) here in the states. They work great and not as laborious to draw water in the tub and give him a whole bath. My IG wees all over his front legs all the time. Also My IG has skin allergies in the spring and fall. I think its worth...
Its peoplelike the ones who run that site who know people like us exist (treating our pets as family). I shell out alot of cash for my children and my pets.250 dollars or pounds or quid at any rate is way too much. I just bought a pattern for my piccolo (IG) which was $2.75 and the fabric and...
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