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  1. T


    Thanks.I will follow up on these :)
  2. T


    Could ayone tell me where I could get some pyjamas for my whippet. She is really feeling the cold at night despite sleeping on a quilt and being wrapped in 6 fleece blankets :) She seems to wriggle the blankets off then cry becauses she is cold :rolleyes: Thanks
  3. T


    we are planning our summer holidays and not sure about kenneling our dogs or having a pet sitter. we would only be away a week but are worried about the dogs. does anyone know of any good kennels or a good sitter in the north east?
  4. T

    Early May In Whippet Heaven

    we will keep an eye out for you next time we are down whitley :D this is our whippet , tia :)
  5. T

    Early May In Whippet Heaven

    did you film the video at whitley bay beach? it looks lovely :) :) this is tip at druridge bay. sorry tia, my whippet, not on this pic
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    Washing Thefe

    my deerhound used to do this all the time. it was really annoying :angry: she did grow out of it quickly. i think she just got bored of it
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    Tip And Tia

  8. T

    Tip And Tia

    this is tip and tia sunbathing :D hope this pic comes out ok :unsure:
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    Eating Dandilions

    [att achment=65156:together.JPG] hope this is bigger :(
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    Eating Dandilions

    this is tip and tia. hope its worked ;)
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    Eating Dandilions

    trying again :b
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    Eating Dandilions

    its not working :(
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    Eating Dandilions

    This is a picture of my dog tip Testing photos heres one of tia
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    Eating Dandilions

    her name is tia.she was called that when we got her and we really liked it so kept it.we have a 6 year old saluki cross lurcher too and they have a mountain of toys.sometimes she will pick one up and kill it or take it to the sofa but she is not too interested in balls. my lurcher is obsessed...
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    Whippet Collars

    i would love to know the answer to this too as i need to get a new collar for tia and really dont know what type to get :)
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    Eating Dandilions

    i have her on pro plan food at moment as it was recomended. she was bought as a puppy for a 14 year old boy and i gather she spent most of her time in her cage, getting out for toilet breaks. this may be why she does not play. she probably does not know how. i am working on keeping her away...
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    Eating Dandilions

    we got our whippet puppy 6 weeks ago.she is now 8 months old. she is a lovely girl but we are having some problems with her on walks. she constantly eats the heads off dandilions. is this something she will grow out of? are they safe to eat? at least it makes a change from the dog poo she...
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    Whippet Coats

    thanks for the poor whippet has a useless mum :(
  19. T

    Whippet Coats

    we have had our whippet for a few weeks now and she is wearing a coat we got from the local pet shop. i have seen all the great pics on here of all the members whippets wearing lovely coats and fleeces(and dressing gowns :) ) could anyone tell me where to buy coats etc or recommend any...
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    Bald Patches

    re the whippet collars. could anyone tell me why whippets need one. i have always wanted to know. thanks