my dog would not eat his food yesterday, did not take a lot of notice he dose that some times, but would not eat today, so i moved his dish from the side of the unit to the middle of the floor and he rat the lot, now the weird thing is i had this dog 5 years and the bowl has always been in the...
don't care if he needs it he gets it, saying that my joints are worse than he's look at the price and think not paying that much, but the dog dear but if it works I get it, got the advantage am 73 and enough money for a decent life.
my 14 year old dog was showing some of the signs so put him on Aktivait not sure if its helping but showing some sign of improvement playing with the wife which he has not done for ages and eating less been about took about 5 weeks and not cheap and quite big was using Gabapentin but don't like...
I had terrible trouble getting my dogs food right, he is 14 with joint problems so can't let him get over wieght, cut his food no wieght loss but always hungry, so put him on part royal cane 10+ and hills metobolic (burns off the fat) both wet food but dose come in dry started losing wieght so...
I have a 14 year old dog could have a touch of dementia when he gets a of bit stress I put some newspaper down and he rips it apart then settles down. how big are the bowls.
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