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  1. R

    Kobi The Whippet

    [attac hment=69908:kobi_water.JPG]
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    Hi every 1, i was wanting a new whippet book to read. Can any 1 recommened a good 1 and where to get it ??? Richard/Kobi
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    Poor Kobi

    we got antibiotics from the vets as it was infected. he's slowly healing up, he doesn't seem to bothered by ordeal. Liz we got the coursing machine built, it works perfect. i'll upload some pictures for all to see and copy design.
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    Poor Kobi

    Just thought i would share this picture as a remind why all dogs should be socialized properly from a pup. this was from a lurcher which hardly see's other dogs.
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    Kobi The Whippet!

    Hi Liz, hope your ok.? the show was at morpeth. i think i'm going to the game fair in Darlington on saturday. i'll take Kobi and see if there is any whippet classes.
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    Kobi The Whippet!

    as requested more pics of kobi. 8) he's from the lines of Bruntsfield Playaway.
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    Kobi The Whippet!

    Hi every 1, just wanted to tell every 1 that Kobi entered into his first show yesterday and came 2nd. :D . The judge said "it's 1 of the best whippets he's seen in a long time" . This could be the start of something good! :D
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    Kobi The Whippet

    Just thought i would post some pictures of kobi, feel free to post pictures!
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    Cuddle Whippets

    Katie and Kobi cuddling!
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    Lure Coursing Machine???

    Hi Liz, yeah you certainly can, i've made 2 prototypes at work but can't seem to get the line tension right. but don't worry i'll not be beat. thought some 1 might of had a cheap 1 for sale. They sell them at greyhound megastores for £350 a think . If a can get a few people interested a would...
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    Lure Coursing Machine???

    Have you got any pictures of his lure coursing machine you could send me?
  12. R

    Quick Question - Please Help!

    whippets love chasing rabbits, kobi chases them all the time, the most important thing is the recall. it needs to be reinforced. if we are out lamping he always come back when the lamp is off, just keep practising the recall.
  13. R

    Lure Coursing Machine???

    Hi, can any one tell me where i might be able to buy a lure coursing machine? i've looked everywhere but no joy.
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    Lumps And Bumps

    Hi liz thanks for the advise. i'll look out for events up and coming in the durham area. I've taken Kobi along to dog training he has just passed his gold test. :) with jackie hall northumberland canine centre. What advise would you give me about getting another whippet???
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    Lumps And Bumps

    Hi Liz last time a seen you was that coursing day in malton. How you doing??? Kobi is fine. Got some advise from fiona the vet she advised on half a piriton. we still arn't sure what causes it. I'm thinking of getting another whippet to keep Kobi Company, He goes for walks with another whippet...
  16. R

    Hi Richard, glad youve made it onto K9...hope to see a lot more of Kobi now..x

    Hi Richard, glad youve made it onto K9...hope to see a lot more of Kobi now..x
  17. R

    Lumps And Bumps

    Thanks for advise on uploading photos!
  18. R

    Lumps And Bumps

    Hi thanks for the advise, piriton does the trick. give him half as soon as i see the lumps appearing. Q. how can i upload a picture?? all my pictures are over 300k. any help would be great. Richard+Kobi
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    Northumberland Whippet Meet?

    Hi can any 1 tell me if there is any whippet shows or meets in Northumberland??? Any help would be great Richard+Kobi(woof,woof)
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    Lumps And Bumps

    Hi, First Post. Can any 1 help me here, kobi is 10months old, sometimes when we come back from a walk he starts getting lumps and bumps on his Back. Sometimes his face and throat swell right up. The vet isn't sure about this problem. Any help would be great Thanks Richard