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  1. G

    What Makes A Good Committee Person

    It's ok people saying to not bring these subjects up but its these subjects that is destroying the whippet sport if there was a ban on the person or persons doing wrong will this not send a message out to other's,and for it been a uninteresting subject well thats the type of attitude we really...
  2. G

    What Makes A Good Committee Person

    for a member to go on the committee he or she will have to get there point across straight away they will not take any rubbish like as been in the last few years wot i mean by this is if a dogs is drug tested and is found positive they and there dogs should be band for life and for fighting...
  3. G

    What Makes A Good Committee Person

    that question is easy (ZERO TALORENCE) like any committee should do none of this if's but's and maybe's
  4. G

    Aurora Borealis X Greyhound

    tanya as informed me that the greyhound bitch lined to nch Aurora Borealis is dew to have them on the 16TH NOVEMBER all going well
  5. G


    well i only can see out of one eye so i can say from a distance that i thought it was a rabbit :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- "
  6. G

    What Lamp Do You Use ?

    i use a CLUSON LAZERLITE it also as a walk light on it just for them tricky fences u have to tackle when out or uneven ground.
  7. G

    Out Ferreting Today

    i used to always av my bunch of keys on me when i fed my ferrets and if i got a ferret that stayed in a set i used to shake the keys,also i never feed my ferrets the night before useing them