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  1. C

    7 Weeks Pregnant

    I will do! He is a good vet but has the nack of making you feel terribly guilty lol! I will see how it all goes on Thursday and let you know what he says.
  2. C

    7 Weeks Pregnant

    Yes I may just do that! I assumed the vet would know what he was talking abut, i mean if it had been a human and was told they were too small and risking the baby and they were wrong you could sue! :p I will take the pics to the vet and show him, maybe suggest he takes a catch up course on...
  3. C

    7 Weeks Pregnant

    We got a scan at 4 weeks and the vet said there was deff 4 pups but he suspected there may be more, plus the fact he thinks she's too small when infact she isnt would lead me to think there may be more aswell. Going for a scan on thursday because the vet was worried, and worried us too.
  4. C

    Any Help

    Sorry if i come across as thick but what exactly is "lamping"? Sorry :blink:
  5. C

    Been Dangaling My Cristal

    Well i dangled my crystal twice and got the same result! and it was wierd after the three lines and three circles, the crystal stopped turning and it felt like something was holding it still! So not long till we get to see if the crystal tests are right! P.S pippa is starting to eat a bit more...
  6. C

    7 Weeks Pregnant

    Thanks for that! My girl looks huge in comparison lol I think that the vet doesnt know what a preg whippet is supposed to look like! going on everyone on here pippa looks very good lol! heres a pic of her belly lol
  7. C

    7 Weeks Pregnant

    Well the first scan at 4 weeks the vet said there were at least 4, but we did a crystal test and it said three lines and three circles! :teehee: We will see if the crystal is right lol.
  8. C

    7 Weeks Pregnant

    Were taking her back to the vet on thursday next week, and getting a scan of the pups again, the vet is just a general practitioner, i think perhaps he is baseing his judgement on a "normal" built dog rather than a whippet. If its allright I would like to print a copy of lacey to show the vet...
  9. C

    7 Weeks Pregnant

    this is a pic of pip, to me she looks big but maby im wrong, the last dog i had that was pregnant was a springerXcolly and she bulged out at the sides This is from above This is from the side! See what you think! :)
  10. C

    Whelping Boxs Done

    Well I hope she is late, if the vet was right and she is underweight the it will give the pups a bit more time to mature. Its nice to find someone whos having pups near me, we can swap baby pictures!.
  11. C

    7 Weeks Pregnant

    Thanks for that, I'm just worried because we were trying to get her to eat 3 tins a day, but she wont. So we went shopping and most of the food was for her! she has sausages turkey some cheese as a tempter, and the whelping milk powder which we had to add honey to because she wouldnt drink it...
  12. C

    Whelping Boxs Done

    Well my girl is due on fri 13th of june! oh no were going to have hell puppies! :wacko: How much does she weigh? my girl has put on 2 kilos... the vet said thats not enough, but she looks huge! Hope all goes well during the birth and may you be blessed with pretty and healthy pups :luck:
  13. C

    Whelping Boxs Done

    Hey there! How far along is she? Shes a beautiful girl and i love the box! My girl is 7 weeks now and still wont lay in her basket, she wants to be in my bed! hope she starts using the basket soon or my bed is going to be ruind!
  14. C

    7 Weeks Pregnant

    Hey there, I was just wondering if someone could give me some advice, my girl is 7 weeks pregnant and since she started her pregnancy she hasnt eaten the same. The vet told me that she is under weight for 7 weeks gone, and I'm concernd that she has yet to produce milk. I have started to...
  15. C


    The FIRST stud dog was UNINTERESTED and I was ADVISED to find another. I have found a puppy thankyou for asking. My bitch IS two years old in may ooh er about three weeks away. The owner of the FIRST stud dog SUGGESTED this dog as his dog wasn't interested in my bitch. This will be my last...
  16. C


    (to answer the above question it is a different sire, as the first sire was uninterested, and the owner suggested this stud so I didn't miss her season, as it will be January untill her next one)
  17. C


    when most of them are my family i think i can rely on an honest answer.
  18. C


    It is not the first litter that I have had, I'm not going in "blind" I don't get why everyone seems to be negative towards me, it was a simple question of wether to get a mateing it has to be a tie. I'm not a breeder, I do not intend this as a business. As for the medical benefits, my vet...
  19. C


    I was but we were unable to get there. I have since been given a puppy lol No the reason I wished my girl to have a litter is (a) My mum's dog recently died from kidneys failing. (b) there are many medical benefits from having a litter before spaying which we intend to do © I have already...
  20. C


    There realy is no need to be so patronising :angry: , I do not intend to make a bussiness out of this, i simply want one litter. I also know that dogs tie, but was also told that this may only happen on a first mateing. I have also been told that "tieing" does not always have to happen for...