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  1. merlina

    Spaying puppy

    Whoa! This forum like most others only works because we all feel able to speak honestly. And inevitably its on the side of dogs- who can't speak for themselves. Only the moderator has the power to silence individual members. Quite rightly so.
  2. merlina

    Spaying puppy

    I'd wait till she's bit more mature. ;)
  3. merlina

    poorly sproodle

    Oh well- just fingers crossed then your puppy gets over this. Such a worry!
  4. merlina

    Older border terrier

    Hi- we've adopted older dogs in the past- they can be a puzzle as well as a joy. I REALLY wouldn't starve him even for twenty four hours. That's an old-fashioned belief and should only be done in special circumstances on a vet's advice. :( You need peristalsis to be moving slowly and properly-...
  5. merlina

    poorly sproodle

    Really sorry- and hope things have improved. At this age one thing I'd do is contact the puppy's breeder and ask if any other dogs in the home are ill. Good luck with yours.
  6. merlina

    Previous Owner Wants Puppy back

    Not a great way to buy a puppy- always best to deal with reputable people who care about dogs first and foremost. BUT this is now. If the person has your money and you have the puppy and want to keep it, you're under no obligation to engage with her. Certainly find out how to proceed legally re...
  7. merlina

    New puppy check list

    I'm really pleased you are thinking through what's best for your puppy. Many people on this forum will have had experience with 'trainers'. Very mixed. Unless they have some really impressive academic qualifications- e.g. our local one is a member of staff at the university vet's hospital...
  8. merlina

    New puppy check list

    Whatever your definition of your puppy is please get the biggest crate you can fit in. Obviously I speak as someone opposed to 'crating'. (I think the clue is in the name: until recently only inanimate objects were 'crated up'- how did this ever become acceptable for living things?)
  9. merlina

    Need a name for my puppy

  10. merlina

    Need a name for my puppy

    Sky, indigo, delphi (short for delphinium) ;)- oh and lucky you!
  11. merlina

    Weeing for Attention

    Ah well, me and Mark Twain then: the more I learn of people the more I like my dog.
  12. merlina

    Weeing for Attention

    There's a reason crates are illegal in some of the countries we think of as the most civilized and humane. I've seen dogs- particularly sensitive working dogs- become very disturbed by so called 'crate training'. I think if your very young dog is showing symptoms of distress you really should...
  13. merlina

    Finding it hard to get over the death of a dog

    So sorry. Nothing prepares you for the pain of losing a much-loved dog, so of course you will be anxious. It's part of grief. We all have fears for our dogs so do talk about it- and therapy can help. But dogs seem to bring out the nurturing impulse even in people who don't think they have it and...
  14. merlina

    Puppy aggression?

    We had a puppy so savage I would watch tv lying along the top back of a Chesterfield sofa - the only safe place. Having failed to get a mouthful of me he would 'distress' the sofa's wooden feet. I ignored him. After a few months he (a working cocker) became all sweetness and light- and the sofa...
  15. merlina

    General query

    For the puppies why not contact a Dog Rescue organisation? Dogs Trust or the one near you if it has a good reputation. You won't be paid but there's a huge reward in knowing they will go to excellent homes. PLEASE don't think of selling them- especially for Christmas! They will be impulse buys...
  16. merlina

    Any help appreciated

    Hate crates so advice would be to try other methods...she's a very young puppy and has had a huge change of lifestyle- you say yourself she is getting distressed so my first impulse would be to stop doing what's distressing her. She is not used to be alone- give her more freedom and...
  17. merlina

    12 week old pup still not sleeping through

    She is a normal puppy as everyone on here has said. I've had a spaniel puppy that was housetrained and sleeping at least seven hours at 12 weeks- don't want to ruin your Christmas but our current one took nearly six months. They just vary so much and you have to hang on in there. ;) (And I...
  18. merlina

    Pup eating poo

    To puppies everything is food. :confused: They do get more selective gradually. ;)
  19. merlina

    9 month old puppy barking at people and children suddenly??

    Agree with everything said. Your puppy is still a baby and they can have exaggerated responses to things we're not aware of o_O. But no dog does anything 'for no reason'. That's just how it looks to people. We lack their spider senses!
  20. merlina

    Hiding pain

    The answer is different depending on the dog - and the stimulus! We had a rickety old lurcher that could still do a Usain Bolt after a rabbit. And of course anybody who keep horses will have seen one that is totally lame in walk and trot- then sound in canter when let into the field with the...