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  1. P

    Advice on what this could be.

    Judy, Thank you. Someone else said the same. He’s not in pain with it or distressed but i still need it treated. Will keep you posted
  2. P

    Advice on what this could be.

    I will. Fingers crossed its nothing serious.
  3. P

    Advice on what this could be.

    Thank you. I appreciate your advice and agree, just like us humans all lumps and bumps need checking. It doesn’t seem to bother him and he’s eating and drinking normal. But it needs attention. This Alabama rot is making me a little over protective and making me panick at the slighest little thing
  4. P

    Advice on what this could be.

    Hi. Im new to forum. Yesterday i discovered this on my dogs paw. He’s going to the vets tomorrow. However, i am looking for reassurance this isnt the start of Alabama rot. My dog is a shih tzu and very fluffy. Yesterday he got wet. I couldnt see it when he was dry. Im worried because the...