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  1. R

    Raw feeding

    Hi All, Thank you so much for the feedbck. Rosie33, I have found that facebook site and have added myself as a member so thank you :- ) Petitsfilous, I am based in Oxford....... Cadac21, I had the Sensitest - its not cheap by any means but we have been going round in circles for the past...
  2. R

    Raw feeding

    Hi all, I have recently been asking a question on this forum with regards to feeding my Lakeland who, we have now found out via allergy tests, is allergic to all cereals, potatoes and rice and so following these discussions and my own research, it appears the only real avenue I have is raw...
  3. R

    Allergic lakeland

    Thank you all so much for the advice....I will have a look today into the recommendations you have given me and also have a really good look at raw feeding which I know absolutely nothing about at this stage! I'm willing to give anything a try really if it helps him. Hanneroon, I just read that...
  4. R

    Allergic lakeland

    Thanks All, banana, funnily enough I found Canigan yesterday but from reading reviews I've heard a few horror stories which has put me off (not that you should listen to everything you read online I know!). cadac 21, I am in the same position as you as I have been advised not to continue with...
  5. R

    Allergic lakeland

    Hi All, I really hope someone is able to help, please. Over the course of a year or so my Lakeland has had exceptionally itchy skin...we've changed his diet and tried 101 different things and lately he has been on a course of steroids. To cut a long story short, he has now had a comprehensive...