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  1. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    He is much better thank you everyone! He finishes his antibiotics today and will be tested next week to see if the infection has gone. And my vet has said he CAN have his vaccinations (the emergency vet said not) which means he'll be able to go out for walks soon! Yipee!!! Everyone has been so...
  2. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    Very sorry to hear about your brother. That must be incredibly hard. You must just take each day as it comes and look after yourself x
  3. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    If you have instagram... you can follow what Jim is up to by searching jimdog_18 I can't tell you how overwhelmed I am for all of your responses and I'm really sorry I haven't kept up with the replies... I've been busy watching a puppy wee! :D
  4. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    OH MY WORD!!! I'm SO sorry I have only just seen this!!!!! You must think I'm so rude! (we've been in an absolute fog!) Thank you... a million times over thank you... I would never have let you do that as it's far too much... but incredibly kind!!!!! Wow. Honestly ...that has just blown my mind...
  5. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    Thanks .. We have a Kong, I froze some peanut butter. He spends a little while licking it but because it gets away from him (and he hasn't yet worked out how to keep it still with his big paws!) he gets fed up! We tried lots of games hiding treats in towels and under pots. He has a toy you put...
  6. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    I've only just seen this and it made my heart swell! How incredibly lovely! x I think we're ok at the moment... the insurance is dealing with the first bit. x
  7. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    Hello as you were all so kind I'll just let you know, we've had Jim home for nearly 2 weeks now and he's much improved! We wont yet know if his struvite crystals/uti have gone... but he is VERY naughty and we're shattered so I suppose that's a good sign! He was so happy to see us and be home...
  8. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    Thank you for all your kind words. He came through sedation and now has the catheter in for at least 24 hours. They have also just said they are concerned he has a 'short penis bone and lots of soft tissue' which could be normal as they aren't used to catheterising such young pups. They have...
  9. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    Thank you all for your replies. I did contact the breeder, he simply just said take the puppy back and he'd refund us. Which I'd never dream of doing. We have insurance but even so... I think we are already over the limit. The breeder implied that the vet would see what the limit was and try to...
  10. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    We brought him home last Wednesday and he seemed absolutely fine apart from the fact that when he went to wee he would stay there a good few minutes after passing urine. On Saturday my partner saw that he had passed some blood so we took him to the vets. They said it was cystitis and gave him an...
  11. Louharg81

    New puppy far not going well :-(

    Hello, we've only had our Golden Retriever pup 6 days and he's spent 3 of those days in doggy hospital! I could really use some help and advice about a medical condition. Can anyone point me in the right direction as I'm new to this forum. Thank you... sad doggy owner :(