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  1. ClaireEM1073

    Any knowledge of Arkwrights?

    Ha you could be right! The lazy devils
  2. ClaireEM1073

    Any knowledge of Arkwrights?

    It just puzzles me that it isn't on the food review forums or even the Pets At Home site that tells you what's in it. Very odd. From memory I think the nearest raw food supplier only delivers up here once a month but I remember it wouldn't work for me when I researched it previously.
  3. ClaireEM1073

    Any knowledge of Arkwrights?

    Thanks. I use that website anyway. Just wondered why this food that Scotland's main animal charity uses isn't on it. It's very cheap which is explained by the ingredients but except for the stinky large quantities coming out Billy seems fine on it. I can't afford to feed raw and also don't have...
  4. ClaireEM1073

    Any knowledge of Arkwrights?

    When I rehomed Billy from the SSPCA they were feeding him on Arwrights complete dry food mixed with a little wet food. Has anyone any knowledge or experience of this food? There are loads of reviews when you Google search but it doesn't come up on any comparison sites. He eats it and seems ok...
  5. ClaireEM1073

    Dog Whisperer

    Has anyone tried using Jan Fennells, Dog Whisperer training methods? I read her books years ago and dug them out again last night after another very stressful walk.
  6. ClaireEM1073

    Recall.... Well when I am going to loose you, maybe...

    It gives me hope. My boy has great recall only when it suits him! He is a rescue and has only been with me a month. Some days he brings me near to tears with his behaviour both good and bad. It's a long road and you were super lucky to have found the answer so quickly.
  7. ClaireEM1073

    Why did you get your dog?

    She sounds smashing!
  8. ClaireEM1073


    I did look at them for my elderly Beardie before he passed away and they were very expensive for him. Maybe they are cheaper for a younger dog. I will have a look thank you.
  9. ClaireEM1073


    Yeah from experience I can't cover a large outlay to begin with. My last insurance company was a pain in the behind but paid some of the money eventually. It is a minefield.
  10. ClaireEM1073


    Is it just me or is finding new pet instance an absolute nightmare? My head feels like it's been in a mixer!! Everyone I find that I think look a good with excellent cover and decent premium I go look for reviews and they are awful!
  11. ClaireEM1073

    CBD (cannabis oil) helps with many common health problems (hemp plant)

    Would you recommend trying CBD oil to help my rescue boy with his anxiety at being left on his own?
  12. ClaireEM1073

    Why did you get your dog?

    As an adult I always wanted a dog but time was never right. My then partner and I then did the worst thing ever and bought a puppy through the free ads having done no research at all. Buffy was a little blue and white bundle of Beardie fluff. She was a total terror and although I loved her til...
  13. ClaireEM1073

    Behaviour/ anxiety

    Sorry I just noticed you've tried the radio.
  14. ClaireEM1073

    Behaviour/ anxiety

    I didn't find Adaptil worked for my old dog and have used Pet Remedy. Same idea, plug in and you can get spray to put on a bandana or blanket too. What about music or radio when she is on her own? I'm guessing you've probably tried them, stuffed Kong's etc. Does she go to the toilet outside...
  15. ClaireEM1073

    Head Collars - which one?

    Oh yes I've tried one of those harnesses. Didn't make the slightest bit of difference! I tried gentle leaders in the past with my old beardies but they hated them and would refuse to walk in them. Just from some of the reviews the Optifit has the extra straps to help stop it riding up.
  16. ClaireEM1073

    Head Collars - which one?

    Hi I wonder if anyone is able to recommend a head collar to help with my steam train walking BC Billy? I've tried a couple of different body harnesses but none made any difference. We are trying our best to learn loose lead walking but my shoulder and neck need a break! I'm not sure which to go...
  17. ClaireEM1073

    Newly adopted

    I guess as well I was quite lucky with my last rescue who never pulled on the lead and had near perfect recall from day one until he went deaf and couldn't hear me. I keep having to remind myself that Billy is a totally different kettle of fish - and way smarter than Jock ever was!
  18. ClaireEM1073

    My Dog sleeps on my bed, does yours?

    My dogs have always had a selection of comfy beds around the house and almost all sleep on the couches or human beds. My new boy Billy comes up for cuddles and sleeps peacefully until I turn off the tv/light then he takes himself off to the spare room and sleeps on the single bed there. He made...
  19. ClaireEM1073

    Newly adopted

    Thank you. I have been thinking about getting some professional help but also didn't want to rush him too much. I keep forgetting that he has only been with me for 3 weeks because he is so good in the house except when I leave him alone!
  20. ClaireEM1073

    Newly adopted

    Hi I have newly adopted a 4 year old rescue Border Collie boy. He is very clever, funny and is running rings round me. Any and all help is welcome! He knows lots of commands already but chooses not to respond when it doesn't suit him. The oddest thing he does is when I go to let him outside...