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  1. WalkWithMeCanine

    Caeser milan - love or hate what do you think?

    Guys lets just remember that his methods were based on old theories that have now been proven wrong. We can't hate him for not being aware of new science, but we can help promote the new science and the new way of training. Yes his training may work, but you could say hitting a dog works, but if...
  2. WalkWithMeCanine

    My maltipoo is out of controll!

    Hello Daniel, welcome to this forum. My name is Hannah and I am studying to be a canine behaviourist, so i hope i can help. I will start by quoting things you have said and then commenting, as it makes it easier to follow :) "Basically we cannot leave him in the kitchen with the others as he...
  3. WalkWithMeCanine

    Can you help me with my research? 17-30 year olds

    I am writing a first time guide for young dog owners, and i have created a survey in which i can gather results about how young dog owners feel or have felt after buying their new dog. The survey covers behaviour problems that they may have encountered and how they dealt with them, if they live...
  4. WalkWithMeCanine

    My new study area.

    Hello guys, Hope you all had a brilliant christmas and new years eve. I just thought i would write small post to show you my new study area as i was so proud of it. ;) For Christmas my dad kindly passed down his old mac, as i had been using my iPhone to write documents for over a year now. So...
  5. WalkWithMeCanine

    Caeser milan - love or hate what do you think?

    he trains people, but wouldn't let him near any dog. he follows wolf pack theory which has been disproven, also dogs will not form pack with humans as we are a different species its about what will work in the long run and what you would like to feel with your dog. If you think you need to be...
  6. WalkWithMeCanine

    Poppy goes bonkers when sees other dogs

    DOGS DO NOT FORM A PACK WITH HUMANS! Everything you wrote there does not make any sense at all. Please explain to me the science behind your method? How do you know that they NEED a pack structure. If they were still a wolf.. then yes.. but they are not. They are completely aware that we are...
  7. WalkWithMeCanine

    Labrador help with crate!

    hello, this may be because you used a crate as punishment and because the crate is an unknown place this caused her to eliminate when scared. This could become habitual if you don't catch it now. Using a crate should be for their safe place, like their bedroom, somewhere they can go and feel...
  8. WalkWithMeCanine


    I must add, pack theory has been disproven and some of the methods have been proven to make things worse. Its really not the way to go... we are humans, the dog knows this and does not see us as part of their "pack". The dog sees us as the provider, and it knows this because we provide their...