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  1. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Elderly cat

    Awww he's a lovely chap, how nice that he's had a little mooch around outside and downstairs, bet he really enjoyed the change of scenery :) Definitely do that as much as you can before the weather gets worse, bless him with his little senior moment!
  2. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unpopular Opinions

    @Flobo i don’t have an issue with sweeteners but sugar tax is silly! I agree I’d take a meat free burger over a meat one any day..there’s nothing worse than taking a bite out of a piece of meat and crunching on a hard piece of gristle!! :eek: I agree with that @JudyN..although I do cringe at...
  3. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unpopular Opinions

    @JudyN why does your quote say I said that? I didn't say that lol @Mad Murphy did. Or is it my phone being funny. It's ridiculous that women are just expected to have babies and its strange or frowned upon if they don't. Just like dogs, there are too many babies in the world, some that are...
  4. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Dog smells.

    Oh my gosh @excuseme, me too! I don't have horses but if we're out on a walk and we pass a field with horses I go to the gate and hope they come close so I can smell them.. :rolleyes::oops:
  5. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Dog smells.

    Love all these distinctive smells you guys notice on your dogs. Roxy smells haha! Although around her muzzle she somehow still has a hint of that puppy smell which I love :D is that even possible? She's 8! That's so cool @JoanneF!!
  6. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Elderly cat

    Oh gosh, yes that fall could have been very messy! Awww bless his heart ❤️ Haha, he still bosses you around Let us know if you talk to the vet won't you, bless him.
  7. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unpopular Opinions

    @Mad Murphy this is why I don't wear short tops, I usually go for something long so that when I sit /bend down I'm covered. Or put an undertop on and tuck it in. It's the only bad thing about low rise but I even find mid rise uncomfortable. That's made me think of another cringey fashion...
  8. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Elderly cat

    Wow 21.5 is a fantastic age! Like you say it's really hard to give advice on this it's a difficult decision. You know your cat better than anyone and I think you'd know deep in your heart/gut when the right time to let him go is. It doesn't sound to me like he's suffering, what old cat/dog...
  9. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unpopular Opinions

    It’s just good tv that’s all, hehe. Wow, what are the unconventional meats like? I’d rather not spend 5 minutes chewing one mouthful of meat lol. Sorry I disagree. A lot of people say that about veggie ‘fake meat’ but who cares? Just because it’s in a ‘meatball’ or burger shape they’re...
  10. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unpopular Opinions

    @Mad Murphy no way, EastEnders actually does the opposite for me, it makes me happy! Lol. Is that twisted? The others I couldn't care less about! Thank you @Janer...can't actually think of Freddie Mercury song off the top of my head :oops: Definitely agree about Jack Russells, total cuddle...
  11. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unpopular Opinions

    I know! Super gross combo! Disagree about Philip Glenister, had to google haha, but then recognised him from Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes (loved those shows btw!)..But no. Lol Queen sucks.
  12. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unpopular Opinions

    Another one...Jelly and ice cream does not go together!! Maybe that’s the reason it’s just a kid thing but I don’t even know who thought of ruining ice cream like that, just gross. I don’t even think I liked it as a kid lol.
  13. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Mystery illness in Norway

    Oh no that’s awful! Must be so scary for the people who live there. I would be so scared to even take my dog for a walk! :eek: Hope they find the cause soon!
  14. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unpopular Opinions

    Sort of agree about reality tv although I did absolutely love Jeremy Kyle if that counts as reality tv? Absolutely agree with @Mad Murphy about the idiots complaining now after they went on it multiple times so knew exactly what it was about!! And super annoyed that it got cancelled but Love...
  15. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Unpopular Opinions

    Time for a nice game... This is based on the one featured on Radio1 that I always miss! Thought maybe we could do a variation here, you state your unpopular opinion and the next person says agree or disagree and states their unpopular opinion. Here goes...Diet Coke, Pepsi, Coca Cola and the...
  16. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Direct dog treats?

    Oh fab thanks @Josie :)
  17. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Direct dog treats?

    I was just about to browse Direct Dog Treats and couldn’t find it on the google search? Is it not a thing anymore? And if not where is the best place to get similar products e.g ostrich chews etc.
  18. Jack-Russell-Lover


    Beautiful teeth @JudyN I’ve just ordered the microfibre tooth cleaner to try!
  19. Jack-Russell-Lover


    Rox is on dry food and for an 8 year old I think her teeth are pretty good. I do my best to brush her teeth regularly using Beaphar liver flavoured toothpaste which she loves the taste of so makes the ordeal much more bearable for her. Then I use a fresh breath spray that has those special...
  20. Jack-Russell-Lover

    Dreadful dog walk

    Roxy also seems to have dogs around the village she gets on with and those she doesn’t like lol, strangely prefers the big dogs probably because they’re usually so chilled whereas small ones get lead reactive and bark then she barks and it’s just embarrassing! :rolleyes: