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  1. Caro Perry


    I love mine but I only use it to dry herbs. I'm seriously thinking of getting a second one to dry foodstuffs.
  2. Caro Perry

    Prey drive

    Harri is impossible to distract once he has the scent in his nostrils. I have had to scale barbed wire fences and rugby tackle him on occasions. He'll run back and for past me without giving any sign he can see or hear me. As soon as I actually have him in my grip he seems to snap back to...
  3. Caro Perry

    Xylitol in Asda ice cream

    Thanks for the warning! It's horrible stuff and creeping into so many products now.
  4. Caro Perry

    People Say the Strangest Things

    Is he an Airedale puppy? That one I get quite a lot. Children tend to think he's a teddy bear and try to cuddle him. Fortunately for everyone he is as far as temperament goes and he's amazingly tolerant of cuddle and run attacks.
  5. Caro Perry

    The Weather!

    We had the storm but no real rain. Harri is not enjoying the weather at all. He gets a short walk along the river at 8am which gives him some cooling off opportunities and then spends the rest of the day stretched out as flat as possible on the stone floor of the dining room which being north...
  6. Caro Perry

    raw food don't dismiss supermarkets!

    I used to buy Harri's frozen chicken wings from Tesco
  7. Caro Perry

    Firming up poo!

    Avoid the pie filling. It will have sugar and spices in it
  8. Caro Perry

    Leaving the puppy somewhere new

    He's still very young and obviously unhappy at being without you in a strange place. I'd worry that if you continue at the moment you risk causing real separation anxiety. Can you avoid leaving him like that for a few more months? It's also not a good idea to leave him alone outside shops - so...
  9. Caro Perry

    Firming up poo!

    Butternut squash and sweet potato work well too.
  10. Caro Perry

    Off leash walking

    Harri is fine around farm animals, he was taught sheep are really boring right from day 1 but I would still always leash him near them as it just isn't worth the risk. Prey animals though - the instinct is just too hard wired into him I think.
  11. Caro Perry

    Off leash walking

    You have my sympathy. Harri ( 2 year old Welsh terrier) is on a long line except where I can be sure that his options are so limited that he won't bail on me. If he gets a scent then he's off. Totally deaf and blind to any recall. I'm far from confident he'd find his way back either. He was...
  12. Caro Perry

    On the blog: 20 Poisonous Garden Plants For Dog

    :D Does DS2 still like them? Acorns taste grim - I'm surprised Jasper ate more than one unless they went down whole! I have a large oak so no way can I keep acorns out and we're currently playing "ball" with the June drops from the apple trees.
  13. Caro Perry

    Sleep aggression, what's the best way to handle this & discourage snapping & biting

    I'm no expert but I'd consider withdrawing sofa and human bed privileges. She needs to sleep in her own bed where she can be left alone.
  14. Caro Perry

    On the blog: 20 Poisonous Garden Plants For Dog

    I was always more worried about him snacking on the snails when he was a pup. He had to be supervised constantly in the garden. He was never one for trying to eat plants but he did love l'escargot for tea! We have some of the most poisonous plants in Britain growing in abundance around here (...
  15. Caro Perry

    On the blog: 20 Poisonous Garden Plants For Dog

    There's a wide range of toxicity in those plants listed. I grow many of them along with many not listed. There are a couple I worry about with the dog but not many. I will stop him napping under the belladonna when the berries start to ripen!
  16. Caro Perry

    Grief of losing dog unbearable

    The pet insurance thing is really hard. Harri had vets bills well into 4 figures in his first 9 months thanks to his flea medication reaction. I am now a bit stuck. If I let it lapse or change insurers I won't ever get full cover for him again, anything regarding liver or kidney problems will...
  17. Caro Perry

    Fly paper

    The one I used was impregnated with a poison so they died very quickly.
  18. Caro Perry

    Fly paper

    I've just bought a zapper as I didn't realise they were so cheap. I'm just hoping Harri and I get used to the sound of it zapping a fly as at the moment we are both jumping every time!
  19. Caro Perry

    Grief of losing dog unbearable

    You did make the right decision - you put his well-being first. Too many people let their dogs go on for "just a bit longer". He had a good last day, the best he could have. I am so sorry for your loss xx
  20. Caro Perry

    Terrier Instincts

    Harri certainly doesn't hear me if he's intent on what he's doing. He's totally focused on the hunt/pleasing himself!