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  1. Andrea s

    Arthritis in dogs

    one of our girls has OCD in her front leg joints even in her toes, she was first seen at 10 months as being lame and given x rays, OCD is the precursor to arthritis where the cartilage flakes off and bits float in the joint space causing pain, we had her on a course of cartrophen injections with...
  2. Andrea s

    Who Suppports The rspca?

    It's taken Sylvia time to build bridges with some of the puppy farmers, she bites her tongue given what she would really like to say and do to them, but then they would'n allow her to rehabilitate and rehome the ex breeding dogs, its a necessary evil as far as she is concerned, the alternative...
  3. Andrea s

    Best time to put flea treatment on a dog

    If you put garlic powder onto their food it acts as a natural repellant, i dont flea our dogs at all other than when we go on holiday and stay in a self catering cottage, 4 labs and iv'e never had any of them with fleas.
  4. Andrea s

    Allergic lakeland

    Have you tried i swear by this for so many skin conditions, iv'e recommended it to a lady who lives near me who has a rescue Beagle who had itchy skin costantly and within a few weeks it had made an immense difference, if you look at some of the before and after pictures...
  5. Andrea s

    Who Suppports The rspca?

    I support Many Tears Animal Rescue which is based in South Wales, it was one of the rescues involved with getting up the petition to stop using the captive bolt gun after the GSD debarcle in Wales in 2009. Their website has been upgraded and i can't find the link to the info that they received...
  6. Andrea s

    The furminator

    I got one a few years ago after hearing about it through another Lab owner, I laughed so much when i first used it as i thought i would end up with bald dogs, it just kept on coming out. Thing with the Furminator is that its great on dogs with under coat and will remove loose top coat but i...
  7. Andrea s

    My dog pulls on lead.

    yep, get rid of the lead, it's allowing the dog to run after what it wants to catch and you should be keeping a closer control if you have a do prone to giving chase, one of our dogs loves to chase squirrels, she will never catch one , unless it happens to keel over with a heart attack and if...
  8. Andrea s

    Gsdxalaskan malamute severe diahorea problems food advice

    Hi I'm no expert but i do have years of experience with feeding a dog with IBD, we have 4 Labs 3 of whom are rescue, Inca we took on as a foster dog for a rescue due to the fact she had spent 12 months with a family having been adopted only to be returned due to her tummy troubles, the original...
  9. Andrea s

    Puppies , play pens and work

    Hi, you have had some great advice and people have aired their thoughts as to your situation, we care about the animals welfare and as experienced owners we can see the pit falls that your situation can cause. The truth is that you will struggle with your pup, house training will take longer...
  10. Andrea s

    For or against dominance in dogs

    A hard topic to comment on as i find each dog is different and therefore difficult to generalise as to how to approach this subject. some dogs need a firmer hand weather that be due to age, background, breed/temperament etc others have a more placid nature and are more compliant naturally...
  11. Andrea s

    Help beagle puppy - toilet training

    It may well be that she won't go because she can smell her mothers scent, dogs won't always go where another has been and seeing as she is only a pup it's confusing enough for her to know where is the right place to go without the only choice being somewhere that she can't create her own scent...
  12. Andrea s

    Is peanut butter ok for puppies

    RSPCA won't be bothered, keep your eye out for him selling other litters too, if he is a puppy farmer he will have many litters for sale, he may even be a third party seller. There are people who buy litters off puppy farmers to sell on, no mother to view and always a heep of bull*hit excuses as...
  13. Andrea s

    Whats the Best Dog Shampoo on the Market?

    I use baby shampoo too.
  14. Andrea s

    Inca Has Cruciate Ligament Repair Op On Wednesday :-(

    Ive been busy with work etc, and everyone had flu after the new year , iv'e currently got a stinking cold but will try to be a little more pro - active o:)
  15. Andrea s

    Very Smelly Dog!

    I hate fox poo , one of our dogs will insist on having a wee roll in it should she find it in our park, it stinks to high heaven !!! any poo from a grass/grain fed animal is of no real harm if they eat it, if you worm your dog regularly any paracitic issue will be addressed, they are more...
  16. Andrea s

    Shar Pei has Very itchy Skin, Please Help

    I do some volunteering for a rescue in wales ( although i live in Birmingham) they have a large number of dogs from local puppy farms who have lived in the worse conditions and who often come in to rescue looking awful , skin conditions , general health issues, not socialised etc they have had...
  17. Andrea s

    Yorkshire terrier food advice

    Vets will often recommend whatever food the food manufacturers are paying them a percentage of to sell, its not always the case that the food they sell is best for your dog. A lot of commercial food has a very high content of grain and other bulking agents which dogs don't actually need or find...
  18. Andrea s

    Greyhound too Porky?

    What food do you feed ? lots of commercial foods over exaggerate the feeding guidelines so need to be taken with a pinch of salt, it should also be taken into account how much exercise to relation of food, you said she has two walks a day but is that off lead romping and running about or is it a...
  19. Andrea s

    Inca Has Cruciate Ligament Repair Op On Wednesday :-(

    Hi all, just a quick update on Inca, her second op has been a complete success (w00t) she was signed off from the specialists last week after an examination and a quick x ray we were told her leg is 75% healed and no further action is needed , we can resume almost normal activity, we have...
  20. Andrea s

    How Do I Stop My 6 Month Old Jack Eating His Poo!!!!??

    did you try the pet corrector can ! ?