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  1. dana

    Buying Drugs From The Internet

    i use been using this for years and never had any problems
  2. dana

    This Is Hilarious - Moving House With Dogs

    dear gods that was funny, ive not laughed that hard in a very long time, ive got tears pouring down my face lol
  3. dana

    Maras Babies

    awwwww babies, ok im in full cluck mode now lol
  4. dana

    Vaccinate Or Not This Time?

    under normal circumstances i would say dont have him vaccinated but with u getting a puppy i really think u need to, u have got to way up wots worse a bad skin rash or pavo
  5. dana

    Sulking Whippet

    sounds like she is i a little upset by all the comings and goings to me hun, to go from ur steady routine to being at ur mates then to ur mums has just thrown her off kilter. i know when i go on holiday and leave dana a home she bounces all over me for 5 mins then give me the look to say "u...
  6. dana

    The "runs"

    i starve mine for 12 - 24 hrs depending on how bad the runs are, then chicken and rice small portions a few times a day for the next 36 hrs and see how he goes. dont be worried if his poo is quite pale with the chicken and rice its normal. hope this helps
  7. dana

    What New Year Resolutions Do Your Dogs Have .....

    It's poo isn't it :( lots of hot toddies and sleep -_- - get better soon. thanks hun x dont help that my fella has got it to and keeps doing the dying swan routine and a 14 year old dog bouncin on ur head like a demented pup wantin to go the park lol. wish i could of spent the last 3...
  8. dana

    What New Year Resolutions Do Your Dogs Have .....

    i will drink to that hunny. Dana is currently fast asleep up my jumper after a nice walk, so long as she is happy it dont matter how much it costs to keep her going, she is worth the world to me. gotta say some of these posts have made me cry laughing... not good when u have got the plague and...
  9. dana

    What Has Happened To K9 ?

    tbh, i rarely come on here anymore because of the stuff that was going on, i got the details of all my friends for facebook and just tend to chat to the on purely by chance im on tonight, was scrolling thrugh my fav list and came across the link.
  10. dana

    What New Year Resolutions Do Your Dogs Have .....

    Dana - to prove the vets wrong for yet another year (considering they told me 19 months ago she only had 6 months she is doing fab). to get as much camping in as possible with mum and dad and to try my best not to wee all over my mum when ive had my water tablets,( but i will still love u when u...
  11. dana

    The Sign Of A Good Walk

    oh yeah she enjoyed that roll lol
  12. dana

    A Real Man ...

    lol so very true lol
  13. dana

    My New Puppy Has A Heart Murmur :(

    my old girl has had a heart murmmer since she was a puppy, it never slowed her down and didnt effect her at all untill she was 11 when she started to slow down. at 12 she had a stroke that should of seen her off but she has recovered well from it, she is 13 now and her heart is failing her but...
  14. dana

    Dana Scared The Life Out Of Me Last Night

    yeah she is doing good for her age (13), her heart isnt fab but she is on good meds for that. she just likes to keep me on my toes lol
  15. dana

    Dana Scared The Life Out Of Me Last Night

    my little dana scared the living daylights out of me last nigth. a rolled over in bed at 4 in the morning to find dana curled up in a little ball with her eyes wide open, i thought i had woke her up rolling over so said "hey baby u ok" she didnt i put my hand on her and she was...
  16. dana

    Next Time Your Picking Up Poo

    ive got plenty, i can post u some if u cute vid
  17. dana

    Help Required Please

    im so sorry to hear about ur little girl, i cant imagine what ur going through at the mo hun. the only thing i can say is give her the best possible life for the time she has left. she is a lucky girl to of ended up with your family and im sure she has had a fab life with you. thinking of you...
  18. dana

    Dog Pack Attacks Gator In Texas

    obviously a highly trained team of attack dogs lol, fab pic
  19. dana

    Moonpig Is Sick

    oh hunny wot a rough week for u and ur dogs, im sending healing thoughts to u and ur gang. hope they r all well soon xx
  20. dana

    Hello World.....

    consider urself very lucky then bluebell. i would love to sleep like that but rarely get more than 4 hrs a night, but u soon get used to the lack of sleep. just a bitch when ur up and the dog is back in bed giving it zzzzzzzzz lol