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The Best In Your Opinion !

I've put the trumpet away and I'll be seriuos now, I've put colin on the spot and made him pick his personal favourites, he's old so he should no more.

Bitches Swift Holly, Another Maid and Cheeky Madam.

Dogs Tyrone, Good as Gold Mo Evil and Freewheeler.

Scratch Blue Down and Hollywood.

my fav scr is Gypsy Queen.
Sorry to say few dogs mention would not live with another maid IBM. Soft touch little jim country musicWally stag and many more one of best bends dog ever ABX won races by 10 lenghts that when ever open had 100 dogs plus not like today 30 dogs at some top ten opens just my opinon
Maybe so Lyndon but that's why the topic title is "in your opinion", some people won't have seen the dogs you've mentioned, the same as some haven't seen the likes of Swift Holly & Biddy in their prime.
That why I put in my post in my opinion thank you very much!!!
The best dogs l have seen are Steinman, Stewart, Hellbound and Streisand, and yes most were mine all ran bends and straights, beat the bitches, and ran to well after they were vetrans.Bitches for me have to be Swift Wind, No coment and Swift Holly. Scratch was never a follower untill Chuncky, :))
i have a few more from years gone bye and upto date

scr casino sexy mover slitherman bucko

stewart another so what spot fluke galaxy

little maddam cheeky maddam samsara freewheeler

dogs off late

mochara spirit of the stag insane jane tinkersmill pickpocket ;) prada and fly baby both very fast for there weight

no joe little bill think all these would off held there own whenever the the era was ;) my all time fav i loved to watch race has to be slippy blue could take on top class bitches :thumbsup:
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iv'e said it before my all time favourite is no comment,

a few more kerry's dream ,painted lady, cascara,little madam,i could go on forever.

tyrone was brilliant,razamataz,laura's dream,,

on the bends freewheeler,indian joe , show the world ,laura's dream,fly free,pick pocket ,mazee moo,and loads more i will think about later on ;)
3 best scratch show three no surrender deneside belle

3 best bitches refuse to bend maizee mu spirit of the stag

best dogs hellbound gold run

2 newcommers classic rock and no joe
Don't know many dogs myself but anth sed he liked watching son of a bitch run n also show three :thumbsup: Hav to mention our tme to fly ,refuse to bend and curlin ;)
The best 35/36lb dog with out doubt in my mind, was SUGAR FIRE :thumbsup:
and if its consistancy then ocks gift was a cracking dog just couldnt do on championship day

and whats wrong with southern dogs
and if its consistancy then ocks gift was a cracking dog just couldnt do on championship day

and whats wrong with southern dogs

tinkersmill is southern dog and for my money is the best middle weight ive ever seen and also the fact that pat and john have to travel "up north" to beat "northern dogs"!! .... just my opinion and what do i know :wacko:
and if its consistancy then ocks gift was a cracking dog just couldnt do on championship dayand whats wrong with southern dogs
nothing wrong but 95 percent who post are from the north and they seem to stick with dogs from the north because bagheera is by far the best 40lb dog over the last couple of years and im the only one who has mention her :thumbsup:
and if its consistancy then ocks gift was a cracking dog just couldnt do on championship dayand whats wrong with southern dogs
nothing wrong but 95 percent who post are from the north and they seem to stick with dogs from the north because bagheera is by far the best 40lb dog over the last couple of years and im the only one who has mention her :thumbsup:
and if its consistancy then ocks gift was a cracking dog just couldnt do on championship dayand whats wrong with southern dogs
nothing wrong but 95 percent who post are from the north and they seem to stick with dogs from the north because bagheera is by far the best 40lb dog over the last couple of years and im the only one who has mention her :thumbsup:
i could sit on here all night all reel off dogs from the 80`s and early 90`s who in my opinion have proved their worth but every one has their own views and your right there is a big difference in opinion between north and south but i think that if you travel 2 or 3 hundred miles and still do the buisiness then you`ve got to have some animal thats all ive got to say on the subject apart from any dog that can go and win supreme at a goos open or championship in my book is worth its weight in gold! :thumbsup:
it depends on wot u class as north? im from newcastle so say north notts or a & t miners is actually south to me. i dont think it has anything 2 do with where u r from its which dogs people remember. yes bagheera was or still is one hell of a scratch dog from the south but then kaiser chief a fantastic dog b4 his injury from the north. we cud start another topic good dogs from the north ie north yorks upward to scotland, midlands and then the south.

good north dogs yd per 1lb has to be goldrun, midnight run and no joe

good north dogs midlands il still go 4 little bill

good south dogs friggsys barking mad or eastenders is two that i can think of

good bitchs yd per 1lb north prada, flybaby, pickpocket, indica

good bitches midlands black diamond, anagram (maybe classed as north?)

good bitches south tinkersmill, dark gem, candymill, inshalla

good scratch dogs north kaiser chief, freddies melody, roger the dodger, shay, go 2

good scratch dogs midlands raggie black, stevie b, avit (again maybe north)

good scratch dogs south bagheera, our ebby, bigland bailey

these are all from nowadays as it wud take me ages to reel off dogs from north, south, east and west from bygone days lol
and if its consistancy then ocks gift was a cracking dog just couldnt do on championship dayand whats wrong with southern dogs
nothing wrong but 95 percent who post are from the north and they seem to stick with dogs from the north because bagheera is by far the best 40lb dog over the last couple of years and im the only one who has mention her :thumbsup:
i could sit on here all night all reel off dogs from the 80`s and early 90`s who in my opinion have proved their worth but every one has their own views and your right there is a big difference in opinion between north and south but i think that if you travel 2 or 3 hundred miles and still do the buisiness then you`ve got to have some animal thats all ive got to say on the subject apart from any dog that can go and win supreme at a goos open or championship in my book is worth its weight in gold! :thumbsup:
I agree with you! You can have the best dog in your region, but if it can't repeat its best in another region, people write it off! You have to take into account the travelling the dog has had to do etc.,

I am lucky! I happen to live in the midlands and am able to reach most events if it just a matter of distance, but unfortunately, my current state of health means that I cannot take advantage of my geographical position.

I am in the position that I know I have a good bitch, but I cannot race her to her full potential. So in years to come people will simply go on Rch. or Nch. which , if we're honest, means nothing, if the best "dogs" aren't

there on the day. I will never knock anyones' 'dog' because to simply get it fit for the track, is a job in itself. Anything else is a bonus! Or am I being silly? L.O.L.
well if travelling is the thing that people think gets there dog the most recocgnition then we r back to the whippet news top ten again. ie if u travel and win u go to the top etc etc all my opinion. also the majority of people wherever they come from attend the championships so getting a title wud gain recogniction
well if travelling is the thing that people think gets there dog the most recocgnition then we r back to the whippet news top ten again. ie if u travel and win u go to the top etc etc all my opinion. also the majority of people wherever they come from attend the championships so getting a title wud gain recogniction
i do it for fun titles mean nothink to me i just enjoy racing my dogs :thumbsup: the trouble is peaple get to carried away my nearest track is 3 hour away not including thurrock but thats to hard to race in the summer if there was no devon or scotland i would be back with me greyhounds tmrow not after the olympics.
i also just enjoy racing my dogs friggsy but wot im saying is people will obviosly remeber those that have titles as they will have the biggest majority of whippet racers there other than devon or scotland derbys