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Zoomie's Not Well!


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My darling wee boy and his big toy Milly-lab have had a stomach bug. :( Milly-lab brushes these things off in a day or two and with Zoomie we thought we had beaten it until this morning the diarrhoea had splashed up the wall... so off to the vet. He had a wee injection of anti-biotics and anti-inflammatories (and he tried to bite the vet :b :oops: coz it hurt :( ) but we think he's on the mend now :)

He's eaten some scrambled egg, played with his Easter Duckie and is all cuddled up in front of the stove :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

p.s. his jumper was a Crufts pressie from Alfyn and he loves it :huggles:

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Poor Zoomie, but remember you have them where you want them now. Hand fed in bed, little sips of water, extra cuddles and the chance to poop whereever you want and they wont tell you off because your not well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get well soon
awwwwwwwww get well soon Zoomie. :huggles: Sounds like you've got the same kind of bug Jakey had. :huggles:

Love your jumper :wub:

It is rotten when they don't feel good :huggles: to Millie lab as well
Poor wee man. Hope Zoomie is feeling a lot better soon.
:unsure: Poor Zoomie! Get well soon, little chap :luck:
Sorry :( to hear your are not feeling well Zoomie - poor little man. :wub:

[SIZE=21pt]GET WELL SOON [/SIZE] :luck: :huggles: :thumbsup: :huggles:
Poor Zoomie and Millie. Labs are hard, they cope with it, little Zoomies must be treated like poorly Royalty. He does look such a sad little soldier Fee. Big huddlecuggles and I LURVE his get well soon jumper :luck: :wub:
Zoomies sister Cleo sends him lots of :huggles: and :wub: and :luck:

She hopes he will get well soon.
Jan Doherty said:
Poor Zoomie, but remember you have them where you want them now. Hand fed in bed, little sips of water, extra cuddles and the chance to poop whereever you want and they wont tell you off because your not well!!!!!!!!!!!!!Get well soon

I printed this off and let His Highness read it Jan!! (w00t) He denies he would ever behave like that.

We agree we probably would behave like that if he really needed it :thumbsup: :p :lol:
Zoomie's done all his performing outside today :sweating: and is feeling much better and says thank your for all his :huggles: :huggles: .

He murdered a bowl of rice and turkey gravy with anti-biotics and get-well powder and then rushed off with the empty bowl just like he used to do.. so his tummy's much better :teehee: :teehee:

Now he just needs clean pyjamas and comic (and his favourite big cuddly strawberry in bed.... oh all right pictures to follow) and he'll be fine tomorrow for his usual Milly-bashing routine :clown: :lol: :p :thumbsup:
:) :) :) Ahh so pleased to hear he is much better, Gucci sends him a little Get Well Wag of her little ratty tail :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Awww glad to hear Zoomie's on the mend :huggles: I didn't like to think of little :wub: Zoomie unwell :(
Poor little zoomster :( Sorry, I missed this but its ncie to read he's back to his old sparky self! :D Goodo - I love his little jumper, my boys wish they had a Aunty Debs :p
Glad Zoomie's on the mend! :huggles: Don't like to think of little things being consumed by large bugs! (w00t) Looking forward to the photos of the strawberry! his jumper is very smart. :thumbsup:
Everyone at Darkstars sends Zoomie lots of :huggles: and lots of :luck: and do hope he is now completely better.

They'd also like to point out,that if he doesn't milk this,for everything it is worth,he must be seriously ill and needs more tlc,asap.

Nurse Coco and nurse Bonnie,insist he needs a hot water bottle,as well as his lovely jumper from Aunty Debs,milk,warmed slightly with a teaspoon of honey stirred in.Cooked chicken with added probiotics in the form of live natural yogurt (they suggest a desertspoon mixed with chicken).They also insist that he must be carried outside to do his business,and he must not go out if it is wet/cold/damp/the sun is not actually shining,but must be allowed to defecate in the warm house,on a piece of newspaper if he can bear it.

They also say,it was definitely Millie ( the lab) who infected poor Zoomie with this,and,she will recover with no special treatment or nursing.They think she would benefit,from a bath in disinfectant,before being allowed to visit Zoomie.........

Nurse Coco is a whippet,with 6 + yrs nursing experience,and, Bonnie is her M.T. assistant.

only just seen this as ive been off for a while poorly myself with tooth abscess.poor zoomie,you must give him lots of tlc and spoil him utterly!love his new jumper! :wub: :thumbsup: :luck: :cheers:
kris said:
only just seen this as ive been off for a while poorly myself with tooth abscess.poor zoomie,you must give him lots of tlc and spoil him utterly!love his new jumper! :wub:   :thumbsup:   :luck:   :cheers:

Ive had a tooth abcess over the weekend too, always at holiday time. Been suffering for 18 months on and off now, drives me mad
ive been back an forth to the dentist over the last 6 months and this was another one in another tooth.ive had root canal surgery etc.ive not eaten since last monday and not slept since then either.the antibiotics only kicked in on sunday so ive been in agony.ive never known pain like this,it was horrendous.ive lost a stone in weight.all my neck was swollen to double its normal size as it had infected all my glands.its also gone into my jawbone and i have to go to hospital for surgery on that now.i still cant open my mouth properly to eat and my glands are still swollen.but hopefully im over the worst of it now.i was so ill i couldnt even go on the pc as i was in such pain so im now playing catch up! :(