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Zoomie's Busy Day


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(w00t) The Zoomster went out into HIS garden in the morning to do his Very-Big-Boy things (y'know, mooching around sniffing leaves, checking the boundaries and pointing his ears at things................. coo1.jpg
when all of a sudden he noticed the [SIZE=21pt]BIG HAIRY SCARY MONSTER ALIEN CREATURES ... ARGHHHHHHHH[/SIZE]

:eek: (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) :lol:

:lol: :* :* ... and did he run away.... of course not 8) my coold wee dude just told them all off in a loud voice....

well, okay he's [SIZE=21pt]STILL[/SIZE] telling them off three days later from inside the house but I'm starting to get a bit deaf anyway!!! :wub: :wub:

The bravest guard-igg in the wurild :* :* :thumbsup:

Oh Zoomie you are such a brave boy. :lol: :wub: :lol: :wub: :lol:

I'm sure the big scary monsters are saying something to Zoomie like "Is your coat this season's new colours?" You should have a competition for the best caption. :lol: :lol: Brilliant pics Fiona. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: The Zoomster is as gorgeous as ever. :wub: :wub:
Love the photos........... :thumbsup:
ah, bless him! brave and stylish, this guy has it all!! :thumbsup:

His cousin Zoe is the same, if she spots something that makes her bark (or thinks that there could be something over the next hill, just out of sight) she just does not stop! continuous single 'woofs' that go on and on and on ....... :rant:

Genie just barks to warn us of danger, like any good guard dog does - heaven help the fool who tries to walk down our path, or past our house, or on the other side of the road! and if a bird lands in our garden it gets a serious warning! (that is justified though, she has caught birds before, she is so evil!) :devil:

Awww Zoomie you are sooooo brave. :wub:
That third photo is brill. Really lovely composition :thumbsup:

Zoomie must have been in the K9 chatroom with Stan when we weren't looking, comparing notes on how to deal with encounters with cattle. They have the same effect on him...anything that moves does though now I come to think about it :wacko:
:wub: that last pic MUST be entered in the photo competition :thumbsup: it's absolutely brilliant!
awww,zoomie is absolutely fearless!! :wub: :wub: :wub: you show them bullocks who's boss zoomie! :D
I notice they are admiring his great fashion sense, he should be a male model for a knitting pattern :lol: :wub: :wub:
Great photos Fiona, love them :wub: :cheers: Zoomie you brave little boy you. 8)

He looks so cool in his coat. 8)
:)) Zoomie insisted I put the pic in the competition. Not only that, he wants it mailed to every available newspaper, magazine, TV channel etc. because he reckons his bum looks so good - I'm going to change his name to Victoria at this rate..... :oops:
Great pics of our [SIZE=14pt]brave [/SIZE]wee man :wub:
It's obvious what has happened...

Word has spread of the Zoomster, his fashion sense and his uncomparible handsomeness and those bullocks just had to see for themselves :D

They are hanging around for a kiss, and more of his words of wisdom. :wub:
Has he seen one of these YET ... :wacko: :unsure:

Woohoo! Zoomie the Brave Man!

Love pics! Keep them coming! :thumbsup: