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Zoomie And I


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need I say I'm in love?...

My OH is six feet tall but Zoomie loved as much of him as he could reach!!!

I am in so much love :wub: :wub: :wub:

See you on the 14th Nov wee man - I'll be thinking about NOTHING else!!!

P.S. Thanks your hospitality and patience Jan as I squeaked nonesense from under a pile of IGs + Tally and Indie for several hours!

[SIZE=8pt]Gorgeous,[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Gorgeous,[/SIZE][SIZE=21pt]Gorgeous,[/SIZE][SIZE=21pt]GORGEOUS!!!!!![/SIZE] :wub: :wub: :wub:

Lucky,lucky you!!!! :luck:

I can't wait to meet him!! ;)
The first picture is lovely.

I bet you were tempted to smuggle Zoomie out under your coat when Jan's back was turned.

You must be even more impatient to get him home now you've met him :wacko:
Well guess what, the boss has been on K9 in her lunch break and now wants one even more!

Please stop posting such cute pictures of Iggies! :b
He is just too cute for words.

More pictures please..... as if there is any doubt!! ;) :p
His little cute face is so alert!!!

I love him. You are so lucky zilloot. Yay! Only three weeks and a bit to go, then!!!!
That first picture is brilliant, he's pure magic. I'm really happy for you.

Come on Fiona,wheres all the OTHER photos,you nust have taken thousands!!! ;)
[SIZE=14pt]Arrrrrrrrrgggghhhhh - toooooooooo cute[/SIZE] :wub:

Yes, let's see more pictures.

(Jan - is she as mad in the flesh as she seems :p :lol: )
(w00t) got it! :thumbsup:

it was where my OH had been tickling hime (w00t) :p :p :p

That's all for now folks... more later :thumbsup: :huggles:

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I am going to have to ask you to stop posting such gorgeous pictures, as its really unfair of you (w00t) ..........He is to die for btw :wub: :wub: :wub:
Zoom :wub: Zoom :wub: Zoomie! :wub:

(But what did HE think of YOU!!???) :lol:
I love that first picture, such an intelligent, intense little face. And what a squidgy little tummy too. :wub:
I always find it a bit unnerving when I see pictures of Jan's house...'cos mine was exactly the same layout, same gas fire, same tiles and it was in the next cul-de-sac along. It's five years since I moved now but I'll never forget my lovely house (all mine to do as I liked :- " with a huge garden!)

Lovely pictures...that first one of Zoomie is fab :wub: