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You Wont Belive What Happen To Me.


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I was taking Fleet out on his early morming walk, nomaly I don't see many people out at that time of morming. So when I so this it gave me a bit off a scear.

I was walking a long and I hear a noise and you do you have a look and there, a man was running (which is fine). But the thing is he was not worning a thing all he he had on was is socks and traners. and he was off on his run. A first I could not belive it (so daft me had to have another look) and oh yes not a thing on.

I hung onto Fleets lead and walk a little faster, and my poor heart did go a bit fast with scear. Then I laugh and smile about it because that morming it was not that worm.
michelle west said:
I was taking Fleet out on his early morming walk, nomaly I don't see many people out at that time of morming. So when I so this it gave me a bit off a scear.
I was walking a long and I hear a noise and you do you have a look and there, a man was running (which is fine). But the thing is he was not worning a thing all he he had on was is socks and traners. and he was off on his run. A first I could not belive it (so daft me had to have another look) and oh yes not a thing on.

I hung onto Fleets lead and walk a little faster, and my poor heart did go a bit fast with scear. Then I laugh and smile about it because that morming it was not that worm.

Im ever so sorry, i'll find somewhere else to run in future :lol:
o my god michelle i might just buy that house next door to you after all if that 's what goes on where you live

was he nice ? :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: have you got any pics :- " :teehee:
midlanderkeith said:
michelle west said:
I was taking Fleet out on his early morming walk, nomaly I don't see many people out at that time of morming. So when I so this it gave me a bit off a scear.
I was walking a long and I hear a noise and you do you have a look and there, a man was running (which is fine). But the thing is he was not worning a thing all he he had on was is socks and traners. and he was off on his run. A first I could not belive it (so daft me had to have another look) and oh yes not a thing on.

I hung onto Fleets lead and walk a little faster, and my poor heart did go a bit fast with scear. Then I laugh and smile about it because that morming it was not that worm.

Im ever so sorry, i'll find somewhere else to run in future :lol:

PMSL :lol: :lol: :lol:

(used to be called 'streaking' didn't it??)
What no pictures!!! (w00t)

I thought all K9ers had a camera surgically attatched to their hand!!!! :oops: :thumbsup:
Oh my...........hope he was planning on going cross country,

climbing over stiles and how how do wild nettles grow :lol:
AnnSa said:
Oh my...........hope he was planning on going cross country, climbing over stiles and how how do wild nettles grow  :lol:

This was supposed to have said how high do they grow :unsure:
I don't believe it!!!!! really not a stitch on!!!!! JESUS!!!!!!LOLOL :))
My soon to be ex hub had a similar experience a couple of months back when riding a horse on the beach, I know it gave him quite a shock. This guy was walking along the beach wearing nothing but a rucksack! :blink:

Hub said he felt he had to say something sohe came out with the first thing he could think of - "Bit cold for that sort of carry on don't you think?!" Said the bloke just kept on walking. :p

On a more serious note though, he called the police from his mobile, there are a lot of women walk dogs along that stretch of beach, myself included and it is quite isolated. The police did respond straight away. I know it's a free country but I would have felt quite vulnerable had I been alone (and I prefer the usual views of the coastline at that time in the morning!)
Good job it was a cold morning,not much to see (w00t) :- "
No camera, it was 5am and it was still a bit dark,

He was not good looking from what I so, he was quite old (going by the grey hair on is head).

I did hang onto little fleets lead a bit tighter.

In the 10 years doing that walk I have never seen that before. (w00t)
i bet you had to have a 2nd look michelle :- " (w00t)

poor Fleet i bet he was shocked :p
OMG! there are some really random people about (w00t) thats one of the funniest things ive heard today (w00t)
lol.............some people are mental (w00t)

good job it wasn't to chilly :- "
similar thing happened to me the other week.i was in birmingham at a trade show at the NEC and we were staying there for a few days.didnt have the sat nav with me as it was still in daughters car so we tried to find the hotel which id booked in coventry as all the birmingham ones are booked months in advance at the trade shows.we drove round and round and couldnt find it so we stopped on this industrial estate and i saw a light on in a building.walked across and knocked on the glass door.and a totally naked man walked up to the door. ;) when he saw me i dont know who was more shocked him or me. (w00t) anyway he ran off then another bloke came to the door.turns out it was a transport company and they were wagon drivers whod just got out of the shower!they were really good at directions though :thumbsup:
kris said:
similar thing happened to me the other week.i was in birmingham at a trade show at the NEC and we were staying there for  a few days.didnt have the sat nav with me as it was still in daughters car so we tried to find the hotel which id booked in coventry as all the birmingham ones are booked months in advance at the trade shows.we drove round and round and couldnt find it so we stopped on this industrial estate and i saw a light on in a building.walked across and knocked on the glass door.and  a totally naked man walked up to the door. ;) when he saw me i dont know who was more shocked him or me. (w00t) anyway he ran off then another bloke came to the door.turns out it was a transport company and they were wagon drivers whod just got out of the shower!they were really good at directions though :thumbsup:

good to hear he 'pointed 'you in the right direction (w00t) (w00t)