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You Gotta Laff


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Took myself of with Jill this morning, theres this lovely shallow river i walk along, actually in the river, it goes on and on, i look for water voles, newts etc, i enjoy it, anyways came time to get out, climbed up the banking and grabbed hold of the barbed wire to get over into the fields, thing was the stumps supporting the barbed wire where rotten, so therefore i ended up still cluthing the wire at the 10 to 4 position over the river :lol: it took all of my strength to rock myself forrad to get back onto the bank, totally clapped out with laughing, i cocked my right leg over the wire, then my left leg, and thats when i became mangled up in the barbs, i honestly couldnt stop laughing, jill was yapping at me, i was shattered, the only oppurtunity left open to me was close my eyes and let missen go, :lol: so i ended up in the field with my pants still hanging on the damn barbs, i could feel a wet sensation twixt my thighs, and thought perhaps id wet missen, but oh no, blood, so now ive had to bandage my leg up at the top just short of my chumlies :lol:

EH, you gotta laugh havent ya


yep you do have to laugh , lifes too short for sadness , grab every silly fun time whilst we all still can , mind yourself though please keith!!! get that wound sorted! :huggles:
hope you didnt damage ya chumlies keithy.............ive had a really bad day.......................and you have just put a huge smile on my face :huggles: :huggles:
Wish I had been there with my camera Keith. :lol: :oops: :lol:
hi keithy, (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

glad you had a laugh, hope your leg gets better soon,x
it made me giggle, hope your leg is ok. :huggles:
You are not safe to let loose Keith!! Hope it's not too sore :huggles:
Oh my God Keith - you're not safe to be out on your own :lol: Good job Jill is there to keep an eye on you :thumbsup: I can just picture you in the river - 'spect the water voles were having a right good laugh too :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope you cleaned your leg properly, don't want poison to spread to your chumlies (w00t)