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yd per ld


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after attending the recent bwra agm, i came away amazed. they spent over an hour on the limets for the scratch dogs, which in my book means they run off scratch. yet when i asked for the handicap of yd lb to be changed i was cried down in seconds. am i the only person that does not enjoy seeing all but the lightweight dog and bitch withdrawing at championship events. surely it would be a much better final with all wt group winners running of under a system that gives all wt group winners a chance. and to stop all those who say thebig dogs win on the bends lets go back not to long ago mystical danser, ones a mystery bossey boots, venture forth, crazy cracker,gillete

all twenty four poundsor under and all supreeme on the bends. yd per system is out of date and needs bringing up to date for the benefit of all owners and the sport. over 80% of dogs running to-day weigh over twenty pounds yet we give the 20% an unfair advantage, we must be mad!. :(
Scotty, I would be interested to know who stopped you from bringing up the proposal to change from yard/pound.

This has been discussed, at length, previously and no one has been able to produce a credible arguement in favour of yard/pound on the straights as run under the BWRA.

Yard/pound racing on the straights is not a fair competition and everyone knows it.
hi scotty i dont think that the majority of the people who were there understood what you were trying to say as most would not be able to here you as with the no limit discussion i think that should be addressed the fact no one at the back could hear what was going on so wires got crossed i think handicaping should be all sorts of formats ie. 2ft per lb yrd per lb time races scratch races graded races and surely its time we changed to meters or half meters per poundanything to give more a chance of a result
hi i own show three i totaly agree with neil i think we should all run off src this has nothink to do with me having a 30 lber i hope to see u all at the opens nexts year :p :p :p