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Wrapped My First Christmas Gifts Tonight...;0)


Wife, Mother, Nana, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Whip
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Is this a record, I ask myself!! For me it certainly is! How are the rest of the group doing, re Xmas 2012????? (w00t)

Sadie x
I love that you have - I wanted to have wrapped a few but I decided to decorate instead...

I have bought most presents - its just the 'biggies' I need to get!
Took advantage of the Early Learning Centre sale yesterday, 20% off and free delivery. Just the adults to get now, although I find they are the hardest.

Oohh you are organised!!! :)

I have bought lots of Pressies - more still to get, but I'll wait until I have everyone and then I'll have a wrapping evening complete with a glass of Baileys and Christmassy snacks!
Havent bought a single present yet- only a pack of cards from Scruples Whippet Rescue, and that is the sum total of my shopping so far (w00t) I did get a box of chocs as a stand by for whoever I might forget this year but me and the kids snaffled them last night :>
Oh my God - I now fancy a glass of baileys and its only 2.30pm!!!
Done and dusted, all bought for Christmas and the 7 family birthdays coming up in the 2 weeks around Christmas too. Most of the cards are written and ready to post too, and about half of all of the presents have been wrapped :)
OMG Eingana! What time do you start each day???? You sound like my sister-in-law...she shops for Xmas in the January sales!!!! LOL! Seriously, it is good fun, despite the queues and shortage of cash most years. We had Xmas pudding a couple of Sunday's ago, as we fancied a change from trifle. Now feel guilty!! Have had mince pies for weeks as the boys here love them!

With 2 new babies in our family this year, it's lovely going over the super pressies on offer but one must be sensible!! o:)

Mine's a white wine btw! ;)

Sadie x
I've got as far as worrying that it's Christmas in about a month's time, but no further - brain normally kicks in to action on Dec 23rd... *whistles*
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It's not about the time I start each day really. I just loathe busy shops and standing in queues enough to shop before everybody else starts. This year most of my presents haven't come from standard shops anyway. This year I've taken the Oxfam buying a goat for someone thing a step further and that's taken a lot of time to plan for everybody.

This year everybody has at least one part of their present that's also donated 100% of its value to a suitable charity for the recipient, so I've shopped from antiques and other goods donated to loads of different charities. A really lovely hand turned wooden bowl which donates its value to a local hospice for one person, an antique necklace that donates its value to a cat rescue for another and a tea cosy that donates its value to Help for Heroes for a third. I reckon it's a win win outcome :) but it has meant that it's taken months to get together.

By the time that everybody else is shopping I'll be doing something pretty with icing on one of the 12 Christmas cakes that are currently sitting steeping in injected brandy in my attic :)
Well Eingana...I'm lost for words :sweating: and for a writer, that is saying something!!!! (w00t)

Bravo!! o:)

Sadie x
Glad you think it's a good idea- I hope that the recipients think the same when they get their pressies *crossed fingers*

I also have to take my time with wrapping and writing things, since my gammy arm is my writing arm. I can't leave it all until the day it's needed cos I couldn't get it all done if I did that.
i havent even started yes was going to start last week but had a huge vet bill that needed paying so couldnt so plan is to start it tomorrow.