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Wow First Time I've Seen An Italian Greyhound


Grand Master...Fluffy & nice
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Hi! went to pick my new whippet puppy up yesterday and lady had 2 Italian greyhounds they were like something gone mad but very cute never seen one before I did'nt know they were so small, I actually thought they were whippet pups :clown:

They were acting like pups(they were fully grown) charging about all over she said they are always like that WOW :lol:
Yep sounds like an apt description of an IG alright. A whippet puppy who never grows up just about covers it.

Not everyone can live with that though which is why I insist people come and visit if they have never actually had anything to do with them. You can tell them how active they are but they have to see it for themselves.

My friend has two from me as well as two whippets and two young sons. The youngest Kieran classes the Igs as his playmates and they play for hours up stairs together and they sing together, it has to be heard to be believed.

I have found that dogs reared with IGs are also more active than if they were only with their own type.
...and I [SIZE=14pt]STILL[/SIZE] want one :wub: :wub: :wub: :clown: :lol: (w00t)

Roll on IGGY-DAY! :teehee:
Funny that greyhounds should be SO laidback -_- and IGs should be SO hyper :teehee: !!

Do you get ANY calm IGs??
Yep the ones that are kept in crates and not let out in case they break their legs :- "
Jan Doherty said:
Yep the ones that are kept in crates and not let out in case they break their legs :- "
That's very sad :(

Our local hairdresser has an IG. She used to bring it to the pub in the evenings occasionally and it runs around the salon during the day keeping the customers entertained. Last time my OH went for a cut he he could barely get past the door because this little blue IG was all over him. Sooo sweet. I think they've go another pup now.....he's so tiny.
Jan Doherty said:
Yep the ones that are kept in crates and not let out in case they break their legs :- "
Is that "in case they break their legs" just an excuse, or are some lines genuinely susceptible?? Terrible to be kept in a crate all the time. :(
Most that are kept in cages are because they will breeak their legs, Butttttttt, if you dont let them run around as puppies they dont learn how to look after themselves and are even more likely to have an accident.

One IG that was rehomed had been kept in a cage so much that when it went to its new home it totally freaked and ran straight into a glass door. It then had to be

sedated by a vet who advised it was returned from whence it came.

I always advise people if they visit a breeder and the dogs are all caged walk away because there will be a reason why, but that usually falls on deaf ears and then I get a phone call a few weeks after asking for advice on how to cope with the pup they bought as the breeder doesn't want to know.
That is so sad , :( what kind of life is that for any animal let alone an active breed like IG`s :eek:

When ive been to Jo Amsels and seen her multitude of IG`s and whippets charging about it always makes me laugh at there antics. ;)
Nicola said:
Jan Doherty said:
Yep the ones that are kept in crates and not let out in case they break their legs :- "
That's very sad :(

Our local hairdresser has an IG. She used to bring it to the pub in the evenings occasionally and it runs around the salon during the day keeping the customers entertained. Last time my OH went for a cut he he could barely get past the door because this little blue IG was all over him. Sooo sweet. I think they've go another pup now.....he's so tiny.
The hairdressers wouldnt be in a town near Buxton would it?
Jan Doherty said:
Nicola said:
Jan Doherty said:
Yep the ones that are kept in crates and not let out in case they break their legs :- "
That's very sad :(

Our local hairdresser has an IG. She used to bring it to the pub in the evenings occasionally and it runs around the salon during the day keeping the customers entertained. Last time my OH went for a cut he he could barely get past the door because this little blue IG was all over him. Sooo sweet. I think they've go another pup now.....he's so tiny.
The hairdressers wouldnt be in a town near Buxton would it?
Yes...... Twenty minutes drive from Buxton.

Do you know them? :- " The lady is dead friendly and chatty.

They're gorgeous IG's. The blue is lovely...I sometimes see her sitting in the window of the salon as I drive past....

I met the parti-coloured pup the other day outside our greengrocers....he was so tiny and so sweet I just fell on my knees and gave him a cuddle. Fred was a bit put out at the time. :lol:

Not sure they both belong to the same person...but it seems to much of a coincidence for somewhere like WB.
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:) I agree with Jan D completely, if you have dogs in cages they will never have the chance to develop the nouse that goes with running around etc.

My two have gone on their jollidays to some friends who have IG's, Whippets and ETT's. They think they've gone to heaven because their place borders on a big field which is smothered with rabbits.

Mind you I think my mate will take the radio out of the kennel soon cos when I left they were "singing" away at the tops of their voices to Classic FM and the ETT's were looking at them as if to say 'Nutters'. :D
When I was at the Devon Whippet Funday on the 25th they had a coursing event and somebody had 3 Whips and an Ig and they all went for the lure together. The IG was so fast he kept up with the 3 whippets all the way round the course it was amazing.
IGs will keep up with a whippet no problem. I tried lure coursing mine but they just took off in the opposite direction and had a great game all by themselves :thumbsup:

The only time they showed any enthusiasum was when Indy whippet did and that was only to try and bite him because he had got so excited.

Anything live though - watchout
:p How safe will the[SIZE=14pt] big fat labrador [/SIZE]be? :lol:

:b she's not that fast... :thumbsup: :- "
Big fat Labradors will be of use for only one thing :- "

A big fat pillow :cheers:

9 days to go, Hattie is Biggggggggggggg.