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Worst job you did.


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I got a job in a coco bean factory, the boss said see that big hopper, all you got to do is carry the sack of beans to the top, tip them in and collect the coco at the bottom, it was easy.

Next day the boss said how are you getting on, i replied, great, he then said see the other 5 hoppers, there yours....
I actually enjoyed the hardest job that I did, which was being a cartwright for all the fresh produce stalls on our local market. It was very hard work and I was the only girl that was doing it (and certainly the only 14 year old) but it was like natural weight training so I could push the scrum over much easier :)
I worked as a waitress as a shy 17 year old. I found it tortuous, speaking to people, smiling, being friendly with customers. But, I needed the money and did it and did it well. The thing is, after doing it for a bit, I started to enjoy it and liked working with people, helping them, making their visit better. Now I work all the time with the public and I'd hate not to.

Also, my first professional librarian job was in a secondary school. I'd NEVER worked with kids, I think I'd only babysat once or twice, no clue. I spent the weekend before starting the job with the most terrifying dreams of kids chasing me. But, again once I got used to it, I loved it. Now, I LOVE working with kids and would really miss it.

I guess I'm a glass half full kinda person - often it's not the job that is bad, it's how you deal with it and how it helps you develop. That does not include the eye wateringly awful jobs that there are available though - I really would not want to work in an abattoir (but then I'm a vegetarian :) )

Worst job - ummm working for Barclays Bank - I hated it!!!!
Judging by Banana's comment I assume there were some sale's involved?
Worst job, I have had a few, was working as a PSD diver in South East Asia in 2004 - that was pretty grimm and nasty. And for a while I worked for a cowboy asbestos disposal company - I quit because they actually burried asbestos less the 30cm deep unprotected in a primary schools playground.

my 'worst' job was actually one of my favourites too. I worked cleaning the beach, and later clearing flytipped rubbish for my local council. Numerous pretty gross stories of things i cleared. Absolute worst was a dead porpoise on the beach, surrounded by tourists busy ignoring it. After a brief argument with one co-worker over who got which end, and the other workmate off being very ill, we eventually managed to manhandle it onto a tarp and take it off to be frozen and biopsied. Absolutley horrendous smell, all over everything. Or maybe it was the load of flytipped meat in some of the huge resident recycling bins, that we had to go through for evidence. Its amazing how good you feel in the evening after a shower, after a day like that!

Actual worst job was in a tissue factory, packing things into boxes endlessly... boredom is the worst!
My worst job ever......................................... takes some thinking about as I've had a few bad ones. Worst one must have been working in a food processing factory about 20 years ago..............

I still have the nightmares about that one. Making up cardboard boxes at the end of a conveyor belt
nomad i do hope you reported them? if you didnt shame on you.
I was a waitress in a posh coffee shop for about 8 weeks I officially am the worst one EVER, forgot to put peoples orders in to the kitchen, diddnt have a clue what was even on the menu, could not work the frothy coffee maker, and the worst part was I did not even care, It was minimum wage which was about £2.20 per hour at the time, Im so glad I did not have to do it longer than I did
I guess I'm a glass half full kinda person - often it's not the job that is bad, it's how you deal with it and how it helps you develop. That does not include the eye wateringly awful jobs that there are available though - I really would not want to work in an abattoir (but then I'm a vegetarian :) )

I work on the principle of 'You have a glass, this is better than it could have been and now you can work on whether you have anything in your glass.'