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Worried need hrep now


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Ive just taken on a 16 wk jackrussel chihuahua cross

Ive only had her a few hours on my home but im getting worried ive made a big mistake

She is in the cage quite happy but she wont come out she she is shaking every time i go near.she must need to go to the toilet by now i am unsure how to proceed


if you have only had her a few hours I wouldn't be suprised that she is nervous. You just need to take you time with her. Throw her some treats, talk in a nice calm gentle tone. Get down to her level and let her come to you. Yawning and looking away are calming signals that dog use, so if you do this she will realise that you don't mean any harm. Just make sure you let her go at her own pace and if she does have an accident in her cage or on the floor, just clean it up and don't get angry with her. She is still very very young and if she is nervous she is more likely to have an accident.

Hope this helps.

Hi thanks yes im just worried im doing something wrong i will try the yawning thing.i do u derstand she need lots of encouragement i was just ohh no i think am doing something wrong an accident may happen as she is coming out but as soon as i go neat she runs back inthe cage xxx
She dosent know you, everything is home, new smells ,new people, away from litter chihuahuas are known for shaking..they are teeny tiny dogs she cold ?.. try opening the door on her crate, sit where she can see you , but dont stare at her and throw some tasty yummy treats for her, dont make a fuss when she eventually takes them, give her time, let her settle . You may have to physically lift her out her crate, pop her on a lead and take her in the garden for a wee. Totally ignore her, say go wee interaction till she wee's..big fuss then bring her back in . The reason i say put her on a lead is because she is obviously scared of you so if she runs away from you , you will scare her by chasing her to bring her back in . good luck

I know you are worried about an accident but she is still a prepared for an accident. If she wees or poos in the house ..DO NOT TELL HER OFF, no shouting , no smacking, no rubbing noses in it, just pick her up calmly and put her outside. she will soon grow in confidence an learn :)
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Thanks for your reply i just panicked a bit this ok now.i do agree about putting

a lead on before i take her out i could not catch her if she ran as i have a problem with my hip.i put a puppy pad on the floor and she did wee on it when i wasnt looking going to have to be brave tomorrow and take her out.i wiil also try sitting on the floor with her.she int cold ive checked. need to stock up on treats im am glad she likes her cage that is a posative.another thing can u change a dogs name.

Rose xx
careful about the treats and food you give her to..please try not to give her ones with loads of colourings etc in ..the size she is now, one chicken breast cooked and cut into tiny tiny pieces will be fab..the treats you give her dont have to be big, just very high value x

you can change a dogs name..people who rescue dogs dont know the previous name..dogs adapt :)
Hi tjats fir that advice i will be careful ehat i get.

Also i nevet thought of that about rescue dogs meaning the name.she is called smudge but ive always liked molly as a name.she seems abit more confident today xxx