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Worried and don't know what to do

Jillian Danson

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Yesterday I got forwarded a post from the Middlesbrough For Sale site which is on Facebook. It was from a friend asking if I knew anybody who could take a 14 year old Westie which was being advertised because the owner was in hospital and wouldn't be coming home. She sent it to me because I have 2 Westies of my own with a long history of the breed.

I immediately went on the site begging the person to contact Westie Rescue, explaining that they would take the dog, place him with a foster carer for assessment and then find the right, forever home. I told him/her that by advertising the dog on Facebook could be placing him in danger of dog baiters.

I received no reply but got increasingly worried at the amount of people jumping in to ask if they could have him.

I posted that people should realise he was not just a cute looking Westie, but he was also 14 years old and will be bringing his new owner age related veterinary bills. Probably, because people were drawn to the rather lovely photo of him, they wouldn't consider this and then the poor fella would be advertised again.

I have tried going on to the page again but it has been closed and the lady who posted will not reply to private messages.

I have worried all night about the poor little lad and praying that she has seen sense and contacted the rescue rather than hand him over to just anyone.
Poor you! I've been there and done that- including getting abusive texts back into the bargain. Don't get me started on Gumtree etc :mad:. I'm so sorry. I can't think what else you can do. But well done for trying- at least some member of the human race cared about this poor boy. Let's hope he gets lucky. I can only think of two points that may make you feel a bit better. He's a dog not a bitch so won't be of interest to puppy farmers and his breed makes him of no interest to even less savoury types. He may yet get a nice pet/companion home.
Sadly too many people in this world are not responsible enough to own a dog but they still do! It makes me very angry.