Zoomie's auntie Dolly, who lives with a friend of mine, always accompanies Morag to the shoots, although she is kept on a lead to avoid being shot!
They were out for a walk one day, when the shoot were in a nearby field. A partridge was shot and she watched it, marked where it landed, then took off and retrieved it! She tries to do the same with pheasants, but they are too heavy for her so she only manages to retrieve a mouthful of feathers! (w00t) She will be joining the line of picker-uppers in the new year.
She has also coursed a hare when out on a walk, and managed to get alongside and turn it as well, so the hound instinct is still there!
We generally 'lose' Jack in the hedgebottom when we are out walking the dogs and he usually come back with something, although not always a rabbit. We have had mice, birds, the odd rat as well as a rabbit or few. He's passed his skills onto Charlie although he prefers to catch things on the chase and he has got such stamina he doesn't give up. He once brought down a hare, albeit a young one. It was a sight to watch, him doing something which comes as naturally as breathing. Boy, does he feel pleased with himself when he picks up.
Thanks for the replys everyone, as a devoted follower of all things canine and particularly whippets I was interested to see if anyone worked their Ig's and what success they had achieved, love the pic of the trio working a hedgerow is there any more?
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