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Working from home


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Does anyone work from home?

How did you get into it?

My girlfriend hasn't been well recently and is really stressing about our money situation. Basically she doesn't get any sick pay apart from the statutory £80 odd pound a week.

She has started to look at the idea of working from home but is stuck for ideas.

She currently does the Avon round the local area however it seems that people arn't that interested, and she isn't very sales orientated.

So I am looking for idea's.

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Working from home would be a dream for me - although I worry I would stay in bed!!

Would it be possible to take the skills from her previous job and do something with that at home? Does she have any other skills?
There is all sorts of things like that you can do - Kleeneze etc....?
I have been working from home for over 20 years, I have a little dog grooming salon (garage conversion) I love it, my Lily comes to work with me every day,

I had to apply to the Council for change of use permission