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Woody Is Getting Frail.

Whippets Rule

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Woody my whippet is 13 years old but has suddenly got very frail and trembly.The vet says his heart is good and he seems very healthy just old.

Do you guys give anything to boost your older dogs at all.

I gave him metacam tonight in case he is feeling a bit of pain...he has 250mg green lipped mussel tablet and a 500 mg glucosamine per day( not that they seem to be doing much).

He has got increasingly frail the last four months but today he seems desperately frail....he's eating normally and pee and poo normal...he has plenty of colour in his gums too so not anaemic or anything.

I walked him with the others earlier but had to carry him up a slope as he started to tremble and wobble a bit, much like he does when he tries to climb the stairs.

Half the time I can't walk him with Badger(also 13) and Bryn(12) because he is painfully slow and they are still much more active.

Off lead he is better and he will occasionally gambol along like some demented old thing but mostly he is very wibbly now.

Any tips you can give me to keep him mobile and happy would be gratefully received....Woody is the most laidback, undemanding, gentle, 100% adorable dog ever, he is a beautiful natured old chap and I'm not ready to say goodbye yet, so anything at all that you can think of pleeeeeeezzzeee. x


This is Woody a few weeks ago with James.
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Just to add,he has lost weight since that pic was taken and looks generally like he has lost condition but the vet thinks he is healthy but old.
Bless his little heart, i hope someone has some idea's for you :huggles:
He may be old....but hes still beautiful... :wub: :wub: Good luck with him... :luck:
I'm sure you give him lots of love and patience, maybe that is all he needs for a happy old age. Good luck to you both, hope he will be with you for a while, he sounds very precious :wub: :wub: :wub:
It's so sad to see them unsteady on their feet when they were once so agile and sure :(

But as Woody has the comfort, warmth and love that he deserves, then his old age is a happy one and he will feel safe and secure in his own whippet way :wub:

The only advice I can offer is to just be there for him :huggles:
Ahhh, Bless Woody he looks a real sweetie.

Isn't it sad when they start to seem very old. This happened to our boy Tizer last year. He was very old, we don't know quite what age as he was a rescue, but into his late teens.

He had never had suffered a days ill health but gradually got more and more frail and obviously had dementia too. He had the same supplements that you have been giving Woody.

Eventually it was apparent that his back legs were really going as he was so wobbly on them. He was also completely gone mentally too.

It was just a case of lots of love and comfort and then having to make a difficult decision when the time came.

However, if Woody is still enjoying walks it sounds as though he is a way off that stage yet.

Sorry i haven't got any advice, just know that its sad watching them get old.
I love Woody, I remember you posted those beautiful birthday pictures of him not long ago, beautiful :wub:

don't have solid advice either, just love and comfort, let him have as much exercise as he wants, I'm sure he's already spoilt and treated like a prince by you :wub: maybe it's worth looking for some homeopatic supplement?!

xxx for Woody
Woody is a beautiful boy :wub: It is sad when our beloved companions get old and frail :huggles:
both my greyhound lads are 13 nowone looks much older than the other and is starting to get unsteady on his feet and you carnt realy pic him up and carry him home. neather realy want to go for walks now they like a much round the bit of grass cross the road and they then sleep the rest of the day like they ahve had a 10 mile hike. all we do is make sure there happy comfy and loved and in no pain. one of the lads had mental problems now and barks when there nobody near him asif there is but the light on stops that just give lots of cuddles is the best medican for the old guys
Just the usual signs of growing old im afraid. try to liken it to a human being . My old Woody was just the same ,be carefull he dosnt over do it on the walks,and I personnally wouldnt let him get over excited . Stairs would be a no no too

Good luck with him for a long old age,if you know what I mean 8)

Give him a hug from all at Mulcair
It's sad when the oldies start showing their frailties and Woody's wobbliness is probably just part of getting old. Only one suggestion, the weight loss and lack of condition could be down to kidneys (even though he's still weeing properly) and I'm wondering whether the vet checked this. I had a very old girl whose kidneys started to fail (became quite small and hard) and the vet could have given her tablets to prolong her life for a few months but, initially, she would have had to have gone into the vets overnight (which she would have hated) so we let nature take its course, didn't treat her and she slipped away days later.

Good luck with your lovely lad.
It's hard to see them grow old after enjoying so many active years with them. It seems to happen quite quickly doesn't it?

Fred's nearly 13 and he's slowed down an awful lot over the past year. Upto 11 years old he was still walking up mountains in Scotland. He struggles with the stairs now and isn't very good with uphills anymore. He's as deaf as a post too. He's still enjoying life though and likes a trot and gentle run around the park still.

I can't think of anything else to recommend. There was a nice post recently about all the extra things we can do for our oldies, but nothing that you're probably not already doing anyway. Give Woody a hug from me. He looks a dear old chap. They are so diginified as oldies aren't they. :wub:
aww he is lovely, he sure doesn't look his age in that photo.

hope he does alright for a good bit longer yet xxxxxx to Woody
Foxy is getting very frail too. She is on steroids because the Metacalm did nothing for her. She has good days and bad days.

Foxy sometimes goes for a walk and other times, if I get the lead out she just quivers from the depths of her cosy bed. A gentle stroll for 10-15 minutes a day (across to the park and back) seems to work best for her. It keeps everything working and seems to be just right. If she goes out for a longer walk with the other dogs on a good day, she tends to be sore for days after. I often take her on her own so that she has some private time with me.

One question tho- I thought Woody was on steroids? As I remember, my vet would not combine steroids with Metacalm as it is too much for the liver and the combination has severe terminal effects in a short space of time. They also counteract each other in effectiveness. There is another drug that is like a combination of the two but it also shortens life but is regarded as safer. I think it is pretty expensive. Ask your vet, he should know.

I also now feed her 3 times a day. I think she digests the food better.

No other advice, sorry
Thanks guys, there is a little update turns out that there is another reason Woody is not so good and it became apparent at about two this morning...his neck has gone again..he gets occasional problems with the muscles down one side of his neck, they all go rock hard and his head pulls to one side and he can only walk in big circles. This happened at two but could have been coming on gradually the last few days.

he was ok two hours ago when my husband went home for lunch but has got bad again since then as I have just got home and found him in a bit of a state unable to lift his head and unable to turn left :lol: Have given him a massage and its helped a bit, just waiting for call from vet as I rang to ask if I can get some Rymadil for him as this usually works fine. Hopefully as soon as the pain goes he will relax and move his head, then he'll generally feel a bit better.
Poor old chap, that sounds really painful. No wonder he hasn't been feeling too bright. Do hope it eases soon for him :huggles:
Poor Woody I hope he feels better soon :huggles: he has such a sweet gentle face :wub:
Poor Woody, I hope he is better soon :wub: