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Wondering about law about id tags

Biker John

Well-Known Member
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I have been wondering, I understand all dogs need to carry an ID tag when in public, but what happens legally at things like Whippet racing, dog agility and dog shows, when the dogs do not have a tag. For sure at racing, for safety reasons the dogs do not have a collar on and I understand agility is the same. So are all competitors actually breaking the law?
Technically, I would imagine, yes. Having spoken to dog wardens, though, they are pretty relaxed about this long as the dog can be reunited with its owner, which means that the microchip, that is now a legal requirement, would suffice.

That is my local dog wardens though. Yours might be different.
When my lot are working (gundogs) they never wear their collars when working, it would be too easy for them to get caught up in the bushes and brambles.

Most of the time from October to end of January collars are off.
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Yes as I thought technically we are breaking the law, but hopefully the breach will continue to be ignored. And JoanneF, in racing no dog is allowed to wear a collar for safety reasons, when they go into the lure at the end their would be a real risk.
Are we actually breaking the law if we are on private land and not "public" land
Thanks for explaining Biker John.
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Excuseme, I think if it is truly private land then they don't need an ID tag, so no problem. I guess the only time their is a legal problem is land that the public have access to which I think covers most dog activities.