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Wobbly Legs And Possible Balance Poblems


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Our dear old boy (13 years old) has suddenly started having problems with weakness and/or balance. It's hard to describe really but last week he came in from a walk where he'd been fine and ran for a denty stick once we got home. He grabbed the stick and then didn't seem able to get a proper grip on the carpet to get up properly and then his legs (especially his back legs) seemed to be un-cordinated. This lasted about 3 minutes and he was getting quite distressed (and so were we !) and then he righted himself and was fine. Since then the same thing has happend about 4 more times but not nearly so severely or as long --- just a few seconds. He either looks like his legs are weak and he can't stand properly or he looks as if his balance is awry and he weaves about until he can straighten up properly -- kind of slightly 'drunk'

Obviously we shall take him the vets asap but in the meantime has anyone got any ideas about what all this might be ?

* He also has been having an intermittent third eyelid appearing -- at times it can cover almost half his eye and at other times only a small portion. At times this can last a few hours and at other times 5 minutes and not recur for a day or two ---- thsi started before the 'wobbly problems.

Would appreciate any advice/experibec


Sitroenn :(
Our dear old boy (13 years old) has suddenly started having problems with weakness and/or balance. It's hard to describe really but last week he came in from a walk where he'd been fine and ran for a denty stick once we got home. He grabbed the stick and then didn't seem able to get a proper grip on the carpet to get up properly and then his legs (especially his back legs) seemed to be un-cordinated. This lasted about 3 minutes and he was getting quite distressed (and so were we !) and then he righted himself and was fine. Since then the same thing has happend about 4 more times but not nearly so severely or as long --- just a few seconds. He either looks like his legs are weak and he can't stand properly or he looks as if his balance is awry and he weaves about until he can straighten up properly -- kind of slightly 'drunk'
Obviously we shall take him the vets asap but in the meantime has anyone got any ideas about what all this might be ?

* He also has been having an intermittent third eyelid appearing -- at times it can cover almost half his eye and at other times only a small portion. At times this can last a few hours and at other times 5 minutes and not recur for a day or two ---- thsi started before the 'wobbly problems.

Would appreciate any advice/experibec


Sitroenn :(
Hi, it sound like a cerebral problem, probably due to his age. I would get him to the vet tomorrow and get him checked out. Hope there is some treatment he can have.

The best of luck. :lol:
Hope things go well at the vets :thumbsup: and you get some good news :)

Sending :huggles: for you all
It does sound neurological ... the first sign of our dachsies myoconic epilepsy was a 'stuck' third eyelid much as you describe ... hope you can get the old fella sorted poor lad :luck:
I have had elderly whippets with similar symptoms. It proved to be spinal problems. Cortisone (Preds) or Previcox or Rimadyl do help. They had good days and bad days. Their quality of life remained good for a year or two until they started falling and then I had to do what I had to do. :(

Watch out for them knuckling over and losing sensation in their feet - unfortunately this is a sign that the end is nigh. I do not agree with vets who recommend neck surgery on elderly whippets that have degenerative neurological conditions. I prefer the conservative route.

I have had elderly whippets with similar symptoms. It proved to be spinal problems. Cortisone (Preds) or Previcox or Rimadyl do help. They had good days and bad days. Their quality of life remained good for a year or two until they started falling and then I had to do what I had to do. :( Watch out for them knuckling over and losing sensation in their feet - unfortunately this is a sign that the end is nigh. I do not agree with vets who recommend neck surgery on elderly whippets that have degenerative neurological conditions. I prefer the conservative route.


Oh heck...Fred does that to a slight degree...I keep reading all these old age posts about wobbly whippets and it gives me a little knot of fear. He seems fine though in himself...just unsteady and he does knuckle one of his front legs over from time to time. He's 13 in a fortnight's time.

I wonder how Sitroenn1 got on at the vets? I did get a second opinion about Fred's unsteadiness about a year ago, and it was diagnosed as an old age spinal/neurological problem, and best left alone at his age. It's very slowly getting worse...but he still has a good quality of life.
I have had elderly whippets with similar symptoms. It proved to be spinal problems. Cortisone (Preds) or Previcox or Rimadyl do help. They had good days and bad days. Their quality of life remained good for a year or two until they started falling and then I had to do what I had to do. :( Watch out for them knuckling over and losing sensation in their feet - unfortunately this is a sign that the end is nigh. I do not agree with vets who recommend neck surgery on elderly whippets that have degenerative neurological conditions. I prefer the conservative route.


Oh heck...Fred does that to a slight degree...I keep reading all these old age posts about wobbly whippets and it gives me a little knot of fear. He seems fine though in himself...just unsteady and he does knuckle one of his front legs over from time to time. He's 13 in a fortnight's time.

I wonder how Sitroenn1 got on at the vets? I did get a second opinion about Fred's unsteadiness about a year ago, and it was diagnosed as an old age spinal/neurological problem, and best left alone at his age. It's very slowly getting worse...but he still has a good quality of life.
Sadly it's part of old age, I have had three go like that. All the time they were happy, eating and pain free I just let them do their own thing. I knew when it was time to say goodbye. Not easy, but the last thing I could do for them was free them from discomfort.

poor boy..all i can advice is get him to a vet asap and see what they bitch had a spinal injury a few years ago and i believe that having treatment asap helped her in a quick recovery, but she'l never be 100% and she wasnt as old as your boy

good luck
Our dear old boy (13 years old) has suddenly started having problems with weakness and/or balance. It's hard to describe really but last week he came in from a walk where he'd been fine and ran for a denty stick once we got home. He grabbed the stick and then didn't seem able to get a proper grip on the carpet to get up properly and then his legs (especially his back legs) seemed to be un-cordinated. This lasted about 3 minutes and he was getting quite distressed (and so were we !) and then he righted himself and was fine. Since then the same thing has happend about 4 more times but not nearly so severely or as long --- just a few seconds. He either looks like his legs are weak and he can't stand properly or he looks as if his balance is awry and he weaves about until he can straighten up properly -- kind of slightly 'drunk'
Obviously we shall take him the vets asap but in the meantime has anyone got any ideas about what all this might be ?

* He also has been having an intermittent third eyelid appearing -- at times it can cover almost half his eye and at other times only a small portion. At times this can last a few hours and at other times 5 minutes and not recur for a day or two ---- thsi started before the 'wobbly problems.

Would appreciate any advice/experibec


Sitroenn :(

If you do an internet search on "Canine Cervical Vertebral Instability" or "Wobbler's Syndrome", you will find plenty of info. Check the symptoms and see if they are similar to what your boy has. CVI is a problem common with large breeds such as Danes and Dobermanns and it does have an hereditary component. I had 20 years with Dobermanns and none of my dogs ever suffered from it, but I now have had two elderly whippets who have had it!! :(

I would be very interested to hear from anyone else who has had a Whippet with these symptoms, as it may be more widespread in the breed than we are aware of. As I mentioned it has an hereditary component.

It is a distressing illness for the owner, because the dog's overall physical health may be very good, but if they are unable to walk we can't give them a walking stick, a Zimmerframe or a wheelchair . . . .

Thinking of you

Me again,

Meant to add a reference to the very good post made on 30 Sept "A Warning of Sorts" by Woody's owner, Whippets Rule.
Have a look at the thread 'a warning of sorts' on the go at present. Your vets should be able to help. As I said in the other thread, I noticed changes in Foxy's mobility and went to the vet ASAP. Steroids have so far given her extra time.

Hope things improve
There are obviously a number of conditions that could cause these symptoms, but it sounds as though it could possibly be vesitibular syndrome.

It depends on the cause, but I have known dogs have quite severe vestibular attacks, but get over it and recover pretty much completely.

Whatever the cause, sending your boy lots of good wishes :luck: :luck: :luck: