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Hello peeps,

Don't know if any of you remember one of my posts on one of my ponies named Winnie, but thought I would let you know that she is doing great and has got back around 3/4s of her body weight so only 1/4 to go, vet is very happy with her progress too, she will have to spend the rest of the wet weather in other wise we risk her getting poorly again. She is in good humour as well which helps, although we take her out on a head collar and lounge line for exercise and grass we give her some over the stable on rainy days and she eats it and then goes for a buck, rear and fart around her stable which is lovely to see as when she was unwell she barely moved through the lack of energy. So fingers crossed she is on the mend, so lastly I wanted to thank everyone who gave me great advice and support through what was a worrying time :huggles:

Must have missed the post but pleased she is doing well :)
when i was a youngster, the riding stables i went to, had a winnie, he was lovely. I am now thinkin of all the others.

Glad your winnie is on the mend.
Glad to hear Winnie is doing so well

:luck: :luck: :luck: to you and her in getting that last little bit of weight back on
Great news, Karan!

Hopefully spring will be here soon and Winnie can get back to normal :thumbsup: